three 基础库
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2 years ago
import {
} from '../../../../build/three.module.js';
import { NodeUniform } from './NodeUniform.js';
import { NodeUtils } from './NodeUtils.js';
import { NodeLib } from './NodeLib.js';
import { FunctionNode } from './FunctionNode.js';
import { ConstNode } from './ConstNode.js';
import { StructNode } from './StructNode.js';
import { Vector2Node } from '../inputs/Vector2Node.js';
import { Vector3Node } from '../inputs/Vector3Node.js';
import { Vector4Node } from '../inputs/Vector4Node.js';
import { TextureNode } from '../inputs/TextureNode.js';
import { CubeTextureNode } from '../inputs/CubeTextureNode.js';
import { TextureCubeNode } from '../misc/TextureCubeNode.js';
const elements = NodeUtils.elements,
constructors = [ 'float', 'vec2', 'vec3', 'vec4' ],
convertFormatToType = {
float: 'f',
vec2: 'v2',
vec3: 'v3',
vec4: 'v4',
mat4: 'v4',
int: 'i',
bool: 'b'
convertTypeToFormat = {
t: 'sampler2D',
tc: 'samplerCube',
b: 'bool',
i: 'int',
f: 'float',
c: 'vec3',
v2: 'vec2',
v3: 'vec3',
v4: 'vec4',
m3: 'mat3',
m4: 'mat4'
class NodeBuilder {
constructor() {
this.slots = [];
this.caches = [];
this.contexts = [];
this.keywords = {};
this.nodeData = {};
this.requires = {
uv: [],
color: [],
lights: false,
fog: false,
transparent: false,
irradiance: false
this.includes = {
consts: [],
functions: [],
structs: []
this.attributes = {};
this.prefixCode = /* glsl */`
#define texCube(a, b) textureCube(a, b)
#define texCubeBias(a, b, c) textureCubeLodEXT(a, b, c)
#define tex2D(a, b) texture2D(a, b)
#define tex2DBias(a, b, c) texture2DLodEXT(a, b, c)
#define texCube(a, b) textureCube(a, b)
#define texCubeBias(a, b, c) textureCube(a, b, c)
#define tex2D(a, b) texture2D(a, b)
#define tex2DBias(a, b, c) texture2D(a, b, c)
#include <packing>
#include <common>`;
this.parsCode = {
vertex: '',
fragment: ''
this.code = {
vertex: '',
fragment: ''
this.nodeCode = {
vertex: '',
fragment: ''
this.resultCode = {
vertex: '',
fragment: ''
this.finalCode = {
vertex: '',
fragment: ''
this.inputs = {
uniforms: {
list: [],
vertex: [],
fragment: []
vars: {
varying: [],
vertex: [],
fragment: []
// send to material
this.defines = {};
this.uniforms = {};
this.extensions = {};
this.updaters = [];
this.nodes = [];
// --
this.analyzing = false;
build( vertex, fragment ) {
this.buildShader( 'vertex', vertex );
this.buildShader( 'fragment', fragment );
for ( let i = 0; i < this.requires.uv.length; i ++ ) {
if ( this.requires.uv[ i ] ) {
const uvIndex = i > 0 ? i + 1 : '';
this.addVaryCode( 'varying vec2 vUv' + uvIndex + ';' );
if ( i > 0 ) {
this.addVertexParsCode( 'attribute vec2 uv' + uvIndex + ';' );
this.addVertexFinalCode( 'vUv' + uvIndex + ' = uv' + uvIndex + ';' );
if ( this.requires.color[ 0 ] ) {
this.addVaryCode( 'varying vec4 vColor;' );
this.addVertexParsCode( 'attribute vec4 color;' );
this.addVertexFinalCode( 'vColor = color;' );
if ( this.requires.color[ 1 ] ) {
this.addVaryCode( 'varying vec4 vColor2;' );
this.addVertexParsCode( 'attribute vec4 color2;' );
this.addVertexFinalCode( 'vColor2 = color2;' );
if ( this.requires.position ) {
this.addVaryCode( 'varying vec3 vPosition;' );
this.addVertexFinalCode( 'vPosition = transformed;' );
if ( this.requires.worldPosition ) {
this.addVaryCode( 'varying vec3 vWPosition;' );
this.addVertexFinalCode( 'vWPosition = ( modelMatrix * vec4( transformed, 1.0 ) ).xyz;' );
if ( this.requires.normal ) {
this.addVaryCode( 'varying vec3 vObjectNormal;' );
this.addVertexFinalCode( 'vObjectNormal = normal;' );
if ( this.requires.worldNormal ) {
this.addVaryCode( 'varying vec3 vWNormal;' );
this.addVertexFinalCode( 'vWNormal = inverseTransformDirection( transformedNormal, viewMatrix ).xyz;' );
return this;
buildShader( shader, node ) {
this.resultCode[ shader ] = this.setShader( shader ), 'v4' );
setMaterial( material, renderer ) {
this.material = material;
this.renderer = renderer;
this.requires.lights = material.lights;
this.requires.fog = material.fog;
this.mergeDefines( material.defines );
return this;
addFlow( slot, cache, context ) {
return this.addSlot( slot ).addCache( cache ).addContext( context );
removeFlow() {
return this.removeSlot().removeCache().removeContext();
addCache( name ) {
this.cache = name || '';
this.caches.push( this.cache );
return this;
removeCache() {
this.cache = this.caches[ this.caches.length - 1 ] || '';
return this;
addContext( context ) {
this.context = Object.assign( {}, this.context, context );
this.context.extra = this.context.extra || {};
this.contexts.push( this.context );
return this;
removeContext() {
this.context = this.contexts[ this.contexts.length - 1 ] || {};
return this;
addSlot( name = '' ) {
this.slot = name;
this.slots.push( this.slot );
return this;
removeSlot() {
this.slot = this.slots[ this.slots.length - 1 ] || '';
return this;
addVertexCode( code ) {
this.addCode( code, 'vertex' );
addFragmentCode( code ) {
this.addCode( code, 'fragment' );
addCode( code, shader ) {
this.code[ shader || this.shader ] += code + '\n';
addVertexNodeCode( code ) {
this.addNodeCode( code, 'vertex' );
addFragmentNodeCode( code ) {
this.addNodeCode( code, 'fragment' );
addNodeCode( code, shader ) {
this.nodeCode[ shader || this.shader ] += code + '\n';
clearNodeCode( shader ) {
shader = shader || this.shader;
const code = this.nodeCode[ shader ];
this.nodeCode[ shader ] = '';
return code;
clearVertexNodeCode( ) {
return this.clearNodeCode( 'vertex' );
clearFragmentNodeCode( ) {
return this.clearNodeCode( 'fragment' );
addVertexFinalCode( code ) {
this.addFinalCode( code, 'vertex' );
addFragmentFinalCode( code ) {
this.addFinalCode( code, 'fragment' );
addFinalCode( code, shader ) {
this.finalCode[ shader || this.shader ] += code + '\n';
addVertexParsCode( code ) {
this.addParsCode( code, 'vertex' );
addFragmentParsCode( code ) {
this.addParsCode( code, 'fragment' );
addParsCode( code, shader ) {
this.parsCode[ shader || this.shader ] += code + '\n';
addVaryCode( code ) {
this.addVertexParsCode( code );
this.addFragmentParsCode( code );
isCache( name ) {
return this.caches.indexOf( name ) !== - 1;
isSlot( name ) {
return this.slots.indexOf( name ) !== - 1;
define( name, value ) {
this.defines[ name ] = value === undefined ? 1 : value;
require( name ) {
this.requires[ name ] = true;
isDefined( name ) {
return this.defines[ name ] !== undefined;
getVar( uuid, type, ns, shader = 'varying', prefix = 'V', label = '' ) {
const vars = this.getVars( shader );
let data = vars[ uuid ];
if ( ! data ) {
const index = vars.length,
name = ns ? ns : 'node' + prefix + index + ( label ? '_' + label : '' );
data = { name: name, type: type };
vars.push( data );
vars[ uuid ] = data;
return data;
getTempVar( uuid, type, ns, label ) {
return this.getVar( uuid, type, ns, this.shader, 'T', label );
getAttribute( name, type ) {
if ( ! this.attributes[ name ] ) {
const varying = this.getVar( name, type );
this.addVertexParsCode( 'attribute ' + type + ' ' + name + ';' );
this.addVertexFinalCode( + ' = ' + name + ';' );
this.attributes[ name ] = { varying: varying, name: name, type: type };
return this.attributes[ name ];
getCode( shader ) {
return [
this.parsCode[ shader ],
this.getVarListCode( this.getVars( 'varying' ), 'varying' ),
this.getVarListCode( this.inputs.uniforms[ shader ], 'uniform' ),
this.getIncludesCode( 'consts', shader ),
this.getIncludesCode( 'structs', shader ),
this.getIncludesCode( 'functions', shader ),
'void main() {',
this.getVarListCode( this.getVars( shader ) ),
this.code[ shader ],
this.resultCode[ shader ],
this.finalCode[ shader ],
].join( '\n' );
getVarListCode( vars, prefix = '' ) {
let code = '';
for ( let i = 0, l = vars.length; i < l; ++ i ) {
const nVar = vars[ i ],
type = nVar.type,
name =;
const formatType = this.getFormatByType( type );
if ( formatType === undefined ) {
throw new Error( 'Node pars ' + formatType + ' not found.' );
code += prefix + ' ' + formatType + ' ' + name + ';\n';
return code;
getVars( shader ) {
return this.inputs.vars[ shader || this.shader ];
getNodeData( node ) {
const uuid = node.isNode ? node.uuid : node;
return this.nodeData[ uuid ] = this.nodeData[ uuid ] || {};
createUniform( shader, type, node, ns, needsUpdate, label ) {
const uniforms = this.inputs.uniforms,
index = uniforms.list.length;
const uniform = new NodeUniform( {
type: type,
name: ns ? ns : 'nodeU' + index + ( label ? '_' + label : '' ),
node: node,
needsUpdate: needsUpdate
} );
uniforms.list.push( uniform );
uniforms[ shader ].push( uniform );
uniforms[ shader ][ ] = uniform;
this.uniforms[ ] = uniform;
return uniform;
createVertexUniform( type, node, ns, needsUpdate, label ) {
return this.createUniform( 'vertex', type, node, ns, needsUpdate, label );
createFragmentUniform( type, node, ns, needsUpdate, label ) {
return this.createUniform( 'fragment', type, node, ns, needsUpdate, label );
include( node, parent, source ) {
let includesStruct;
node = typeof node === 'string' ? NodeLib.get( node ) : node;
if ( this.context.include === false ) {
if ( node instanceof FunctionNode ) {
includesStruct = this.includes.functions;
} else if ( node instanceof ConstNode ) {
includesStruct = this.includes.consts;
} else if ( node instanceof StructNode ) {
includesStruct = this.includes.structs;
const includes = includesStruct[ this.shader ] = includesStruct[ this.shader ] || [];
if ( node ) {
let included = includes[ ];
if ( ! included ) {
included = includes[ ] = {
node: node,
deps: []
includes.push( included );
included.src = this, 'source' );
if ( node instanceof FunctionNode && parent && includes[ ] && includes[ ].deps.indexOf( node ) == - 1 ) {
includes[ ].deps.push( node );
if ( node.includes && node.includes.length ) {
let i = 0;
do {
this.include( node.includes[ i ++ ], parent );
} while ( i < node.includes.length );
if ( source ) {
included.src = source;
} else {
throw new Error( 'Include not found.' );
colorToVectorProperties( color ) {
return color.replace( 'r', 'x' ).replace( 'g', 'y' ).replace( 'b', 'z' ).replace( 'a', 'w' );
colorToVector( color ) {
return color.replace( /c/g, 'v3' );
getIncludes( type, shader ) {
return this.includes[ type ][ shader || this.shader ];
getIncludesCode( type, shader ) {
let includes = this.getIncludes( type, shader );
if ( ! includes ) return '';
let code = '';
includes = includes.sort( sortByPosition );
for ( let i = 0; i < includes.length; i ++ ) {
if ( includes[ i ].src ) code += includes[ i ].src + '\n';
return code;
getConstructorFromLength( len ) {
return constructors[ len - 1 ];
isTypeMatrix( format ) {
return /^m/.test( format );
getTypeLength( type ) {
if ( type === 'f' ) return 1;
return parseInt( this.colorToVector( type ).substr( 1 ) );
getTypeFromLength( len ) {
if ( len === 1 ) return 'f';
return 'v' + len;
findNode() {
for ( let i = 0; i < arguments.length; i ++ ) {
const nodeCandidate = arguments[ i ];
if ( nodeCandidate !== undefined && nodeCandidate.isNode ) {
return nodeCandidate;
resolve() {
for ( let i = 0; i < arguments.length; i ++ ) {
const nodeCandidate = arguments[ i ];
if ( nodeCandidate !== undefined ) {
if ( nodeCandidate.isNode ) {
return nodeCandidate;
} else if ( nodeCandidate.isTexture ) {
switch ( nodeCandidate.mapping ) {
case CubeReflectionMapping:
case CubeRefractionMapping:
return new CubeTextureNode( nodeCandidate );
case CubeUVReflectionMapping:
case CubeUVRefractionMapping:
return new TextureCubeNode( new TextureNode( nodeCandidate ) );
return new TextureNode( nodeCandidate );
} else if ( nodeCandidate.isVector2 ) {
return new Vector2Node( nodeCandidate );
} else if ( nodeCandidate.isVector3 ) {
return new Vector3Node( nodeCandidate );
} else if ( nodeCandidate.isVector4 ) {
return new Vector4Node( nodeCandidate );
format( code, from, to ) {
const typeToType = this.colorToVector( to + ' <- ' + from );
switch ( typeToType ) {
case 'f <- v2' : return code + '.x';
case 'f <- v3' : return code + '.x';
case 'f <- v4' : return code + '.x';
case 'f <- i' :
case 'f <- b' : return 'float( ' + code + ' )';
case 'v2 <- f' : return 'vec2( ' + code + ' )';
case 'v2 <- v3': return code + '.xy';
case 'v2 <- v4': return code + '.xy';
case 'v2 <- i' :
case 'v2 <- b' : return 'vec2( float( ' + code + ' ) )';
case 'v3 <- f' : return 'vec3( ' + code + ' )';
case 'v3 <- v2': return 'vec3( ' + code + ', 0.0 )';
case 'v3 <- v4': return code + '.xyz';
case 'v3 <- i' :
case 'v3 <- b' : return 'vec2( float( ' + code + ' ) )';
case 'v4 <- f' : return 'vec4( ' + code + ' )';
case 'v4 <- v2': return 'vec4( ' + code + ', 0.0, 1.0 )';
case 'v4 <- v3': return 'vec4( ' + code + ', 1.0 )';
case 'v4 <- i' :
case 'v4 <- b' : return 'vec4( float( ' + code + ' ) )';
case 'i <- f' :
case 'i <- b' : return 'int( ' + code + ' )';
case 'i <- v2' : return 'int( ' + code + '.x )';
case 'i <- v3' : return 'int( ' + code + '.x )';
case 'i <- v4' : return 'int( ' + code + '.x )';
case 'b <- f' : return '( ' + code + ' != 0.0 )';
case 'b <- v2' : return '( ' + code + ' != vec2( 0.0 ) )';
case 'b <- v3' : return '( ' + code + ' != vec3( 0.0 ) )';
case 'b <- v4' : return '( ' + code + ' != vec4( 0.0 ) )';
case 'b <- i' : return '( ' + code + ' != 0 )';
return code;
getTypeByFormat( format ) {
return convertFormatToType[ format ] || format;
getFormatByType( type ) {
return convertTypeToFormat[ type ] || type;
getUuid( uuid, useCache ) {
useCache = useCache !== undefined ? useCache : true;
if ( useCache && this.cache ) uuid = this.cache + '-' + uuid;
return uuid;
getElementByIndex( index ) {
return elements[ index ];
getIndexByElement( elm ) {
return elements.indexOf( elm );
isShader( shader ) {
return this.shader === shader;
setShader( shader ) {
this.shader = shader;
return this;
mergeDefines( defines ) {
for ( const name in defines ) {
this.defines[ name ] = defines[ name ];
return this.defines;
mergeUniform( uniforms ) {
for ( const name in uniforms ) {
this.uniforms[ name ] = uniforms[ name ];
return this.uniforms;
getTextureEncodingFromMap( map ) {
let encoding;
if ( ! map ) {
encoding = LinearEncoding;
} else if ( map.isTexture ) {
encoding = map.encoding;
} else if ( map.isWebGLRenderTarget ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLPrograms.getTextureEncodingFromMap: don\'t use render targets as textures. Use their .texture property instead.' );
encoding = map.texture.encoding;
if ( encoding === LinearEncoding && this.context.gamma ) {
encoding = GammaEncoding;
return encoding;
function sortByPosition( a, b ) {
return a.deps.length - b.deps.length;
export { NodeBuilder };