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2 years ago
( function () {
* This class generates custom mipmaps for a roughness map by encoding the lost variation in the
* normal map mip levels as increased roughness in the corresponding roughness mip levels. This
* helps with rendering accuracy for MeshStandardMaterial, and also helps with anti-aliasing when
* using PMREM. If the normal map is larger than the roughness map, the roughness map will be
* enlarged to match the dimensions of the normal map.
const _mipmapMaterial = _getMipmapMaterial();
const _mesh = new THREE.Mesh( new THREE.PlaneGeometry( 2, 2 ), _mipmapMaterial );
const _flatCamera = new THREE.OrthographicCamera( 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1 );
let _tempTarget = null;
let _renderer = null;
class RoughnessMipmapper {
constructor( renderer ) {
_renderer = renderer;
_renderer.compile( _mesh, _flatCamera );
generateMipmaps( material ) {
if ( 'roughnessMap' in material === false ) return;
const {
} = material;
if ( roughnessMap === null || normalMap === null || ! roughnessMap.generateMipmaps || material.userData.roughnessUpdated ) return;
material.userData.roughnessUpdated = true;
let width = Math.max( roughnessMap.image.width, normalMap.image.width );
let height = Math.max( roughnessMap.image.height, normalMap.image.height );
if ( ! THREE.MathUtils.isPowerOfTwo( width ) || ! THREE.MathUtils.isPowerOfTwo( height ) ) return;
const oldTarget = _renderer.getRenderTarget();
const autoClear = _renderer.autoClear;
_renderer.autoClear = false;
if ( _tempTarget === null || _tempTarget.width !== width || _tempTarget.height !== height ) {
if ( _tempTarget !== null ) _tempTarget.dispose();
_tempTarget = new THREE.WebGLRenderTarget( width, height, {
depthBuffer: false
} );
_tempTarget.scissorTest = true;
if ( width !== roughnessMap.image.width || height !== roughnessMap.image.height ) {
const params = {
wrapS: roughnessMap.wrapS,
wrapT: roughnessMap.wrapT,
magFilter: roughnessMap.magFilter,
minFilter: roughnessMap.minFilter,
depthBuffer: false
const newRoughnessTarget = new THREE.WebGLRenderTarget( width, height, params );
newRoughnessTarget.texture.generateMipmaps = true; // Setting the render target causes the memory to be allocated.
_renderer.setRenderTarget( newRoughnessTarget );
material.roughnessMap = newRoughnessTarget.texture;
if ( material.metalnessMap == roughnessMap ) material.metalnessMap = material.roughnessMap;
if ( material.aoMap == roughnessMap ) material.aoMap = material.roughnessMap; // Copy UV transform parameters
material.roughnessMap.offset.copy( roughnessMap.offset );
material.roughnessMap.repeat.copy( roughnessMap.repeat ); );
material.roughnessMap.rotation = roughnessMap.rotation;
material.roughnessMap.matrixAutoUpdate = roughnessMap.matrixAutoUpdate;
material.roughnessMap.matrix.copy( roughnessMap.matrix );
_mipmapMaterial.uniforms.roughnessMap.value = roughnessMap;
_mipmapMaterial.uniforms.normalMap.value = normalMap;
const position = new THREE.Vector2( 0, 0 );
const texelSize = _mipmapMaterial.uniforms.texelSize.value;
for ( let mip = 0; width >= 1 && height >= 1; ++ mip, width /= 2, height /= 2 ) {
// Rendering to a mip level is not allowed in webGL1. Instead we must set
// up a secondary texture to write the result to, then copy it back to the
// proper mipmap level.
texelSize.set( 1.0 / width, 1.0 / height );
if ( mip == 0 ) texelSize.set( 0.0, 0.0 );
_tempTarget.viewport.set( position.x, position.y, width, height );
_tempTarget.scissor.set( position.x, position.y, width, height );
_renderer.setRenderTarget( _tempTarget );
_renderer.render( _mesh, _flatCamera );
_renderer.copyFramebufferToTexture( position, material.roughnessMap, mip );
_mipmapMaterial.uniforms.roughnessMap.value = material.roughnessMap;
if ( roughnessMap !== material.roughnessMap ) roughnessMap.dispose();
_renderer.setRenderTarget( oldTarget );
_renderer.autoClear = autoClear;
dispose() {
if ( _tempTarget != null ) _tempTarget.dispose();
function _getMipmapMaterial() {
const shaderMaterial = new THREE.RawShaderMaterial( {
uniforms: {
roughnessMap: {
value: null
normalMap: {
value: null
texelSize: {
value: new THREE.Vector2( 1, 1 )
/* glsl */
precision mediump float;
precision mediump int;
attribute vec3 position;
attribute vec2 uv;
varying vec2 vUv;
void main() {
vUv = uv;
gl_Position = vec4( position, 1.0 );
/* glsl */
precision mediump float;
precision mediump int;
varying vec2 vUv;
uniform sampler2D roughnessMap;
uniform sampler2D normalMap;
uniform vec2 texelSize;
vec4 envMapTexelToLinear( vec4 a ) { return a; }
#include <cube_uv_reflection_fragment>
float roughnessToVariance( float roughness ) {
float variance = 0.0;
if ( roughness >= r1 ) {
variance = ( r0 - roughness ) * ( v1 - v0 ) / ( r0 - r1 ) + v0;
} else if ( roughness >= r4 ) {
variance = ( r1 - roughness ) * ( v4 - v1 ) / ( r1 - r4 ) + v1;
} else if ( roughness >= r5 ) {
variance = ( r4 - roughness ) * ( v5 - v4 ) / ( r4 - r5 ) + v4;
} else {
float roughness2 = roughness * roughness;
variance = 1.79 * roughness2 * roughness2;
return variance;
float varianceToRoughness( float variance ) {
float roughness = 0.0;
if ( variance >= v1 ) {
roughness = ( v0 - variance ) * ( r1 - r0 ) / ( v0 - v1 ) + r0;
} else if ( variance >= v4 ) {
roughness = ( v1 - variance ) * ( r4 - r1 ) / ( v1 - v4 ) + r1;
} else if ( variance >= v5 ) {
roughness = ( v4 - variance ) * ( r5 - r4 ) / ( v4 - v5 ) + r4;
} else {
roughness = pow( 0.559 * variance, 0.25 ); // 0.559 = 1.0 / 1.79
return roughness;
void main() {
gl_FragColor = texture2D( roughnessMap, vUv, - 1.0 );
if ( texelSize.x == 0.0 ) return;
float roughness = gl_FragColor.g;
float variance = roughnessToVariance( roughness );
vec3 avgNormal;
for ( float x = - 1.0; x < 2.0; x += 2.0 ) {
for ( float y = - 1.0; y < 2.0; y += 2.0 ) {
vec2 uv = vUv + vec2( x, y ) * 0.25 * texelSize;
avgNormal += normalize( texture2D( normalMap, uv, - 1.0 ).xyz - 0.5 );
variance += 1.0 - 0.25 * length( avgNormal );
gl_FragColor.g = varianceToRoughness( variance );
blending: THREE.NoBlending,
depthTest: false,
depthWrite: false
} );
shaderMaterial.type = 'RoughnessMipmapper';
return shaderMaterial;
THREE.RoughnessMipmapper = RoughnessMipmapper;
} )();