three 基础库
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146 lines
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2 years ago
( function () {
class CSMHelper extends THREE.Group {
constructor( csm ) {
this.csm = csm;
this.displayFrustum = true;
this.displayPlanes = true;
this.displayShadowBounds = true;
const indices = new Uint16Array( [ 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 0, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 4, 0, 4, 1, 5, 2, 6, 3, 7 ] );
const positions = new Float32Array( 24 );
const frustumGeometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry();
frustumGeometry.setIndex( new THREE.BufferAttribute( indices, 1 ) );
frustumGeometry.setAttribute( 'position', new THREE.BufferAttribute( positions, 3, false ) );
const frustumLines = new THREE.LineSegments( frustumGeometry, new THREE.LineBasicMaterial() );
this.add( frustumLines );
this.frustumLines = frustumLines;
this.cascadeLines = [];
this.cascadePlanes = [];
this.shadowLines = [];
updateVisibility() {
const displayFrustum = this.displayFrustum;
const displayPlanes = this.displayPlanes;
const displayShadowBounds = this.displayShadowBounds;
const frustumLines = this.frustumLines;
const cascadeLines = this.cascadeLines;
const cascadePlanes = this.cascadePlanes;
const shadowLines = this.shadowLines;
for ( let i = 0, l = cascadeLines.length; i < l; i ++ ) {
const cascadeLine = cascadeLines[ i ];
const cascadePlane = cascadePlanes[ i ];
const shadowLineGroup = shadowLines[ i ];
cascadeLine.visible = displayFrustum;
cascadePlane.visible = displayFrustum && displayPlanes;
shadowLineGroup.visible = displayShadowBounds;
frustumLines.visible = displayFrustum;
update() {
const csm = this.csm;
const camera =;
const cascades = csm.cascades;
const mainFrustum = csm.mainFrustum;
const frustums = csm.frustums;
const lights = csm.lights;
const frustumLines = this.frustumLines;
const frustumLinePositions = frustumLines.geometry.getAttribute( 'position' );
const cascadeLines = this.cascadeLines;
const cascadePlanes = this.cascadePlanes;
const shadowLines = this.shadowLines;
this.position.copy( camera.position );
this.quaternion.copy( camera.quaternion );
this.scale.copy( camera.scale );
this.updateMatrixWorld( true );
while ( cascadeLines.length > cascades ) {
this.remove( cascadeLines.pop() );
this.remove( cascadePlanes.pop() );
this.remove( shadowLines.pop() );
while ( cascadeLines.length < cascades ) {
const cascadeLine = new THREE.Box3Helper( new THREE.Box3(), 0xffffff );
const planeMat = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( {
transparent: true,
opacity: 0.1,
depthWrite: false,
side: THREE.DoubleSide
} );
const cascadePlane = new THREE.Mesh( new THREE.PlaneGeometry(), planeMat );
const shadowLineGroup = new THREE.Group();
const shadowLine = new THREE.Box3Helper( new THREE.Box3(), 0xffff00 );
shadowLineGroup.add( shadowLine );
this.add( cascadeLine );
this.add( cascadePlane );
this.add( shadowLineGroup );
cascadeLines.push( cascadeLine );
cascadePlanes.push( cascadePlane );
shadowLines.push( shadowLineGroup );
for ( let i = 0; i < cascades; i ++ ) {
const frustum = frustums[ i ];
const light = lights[ i ];
const shadowCam =;
const farVerts = frustum.vertices.far;
const cascadeLine = cascadeLines[ i ];
const cascadePlane = cascadePlanes[ i ];
const shadowLineGroup = shadowLines[ i ];
const shadowLine = shadowLineGroup.children[ 0 ]; farVerts[ 2 ] ); farVerts[ 0 ] ); += 1e-4;
cascadePlane.position.addVectors( farVerts[ 0 ], farVerts[ 2 ] );
cascadePlane.position.multiplyScalar( 0.5 );
cascadePlane.scale.subVectors( farVerts[ 0 ], farVerts[ 2 ] );
cascadePlane.scale.z = 1e-4;
this.remove( shadowLineGroup );
shadowLineGroup.position.copy( shadowCam.position );
shadowLineGroup.quaternion.copy( shadowCam.quaternion );
shadowLineGroup.scale.copy( shadowCam.scale );
shadowLineGroup.updateMatrixWorld( true );
this.attach( shadowLineGroup ); shadowCam.bottom, shadowCam.left, - shadowCam.far );, shadowCam.right, - shadowCam.near );
const nearVerts = mainFrustum.vertices.near;
const farVerts = mainFrustum.vertices.far;
frustumLinePositions.setXYZ( 0, farVerts[ 0 ].x, farVerts[ 0 ].y, farVerts[ 0 ].z );
frustumLinePositions.setXYZ( 1, farVerts[ 3 ].x, farVerts[ 3 ].y, farVerts[ 3 ].z );
frustumLinePositions.setXYZ( 2, farVerts[ 2 ].x, farVerts[ 2 ].y, farVerts[ 2 ].z );
frustumLinePositions.setXYZ( 3, farVerts[ 1 ].x, farVerts[ 1 ].y, farVerts[ 1 ].z );
frustumLinePositions.setXYZ( 4, nearVerts[ 0 ].x, nearVerts[ 0 ].y, nearVerts[ 0 ].z );
frustumLinePositions.setXYZ( 5, nearVerts[ 3 ].x, nearVerts[ 3 ].y, nearVerts[ 3 ].z );
frustumLinePositions.setXYZ( 6, nearVerts[ 2 ].x, nearVerts[ 2 ].y, nearVerts[ 2 ].z );
frustumLinePositions.setXYZ( 7, nearVerts[ 1 ].x, nearVerts[ 1 ].y, nearVerts[ 1 ].z );
frustumLinePositions.needsUpdate = true;
THREE.CSMHelper = CSMHelper;
} )();