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2 years ago
( function () {
async function OimoPhysics() {
const frameRate = 60;
const world = new OIMO.World( 2, new OIMO.Vec3( 0, - 9.8, 0 ) ); //
function getShape( geometry ) {
const parameters = geometry.parameters; // TODO change type to is*
if ( geometry.type === 'BoxGeometry' ) {
const sx = parameters.width !== undefined ? parameters.width / 2 : 0.5;
const sy = parameters.height !== undefined ? parameters.height / 2 : 0.5;
const sz = parameters.depth !== undefined ? parameters.depth / 2 : 0.5;
return new OIMO.OBoxGeometry( new OIMO.Vec3( sx, sy, sz ) );
} else if ( geometry.type === 'SphereGeometry' || geometry.type === 'IcosahedronGeometry' ) {
const radius = parameters.radius !== undefined ? parameters.radius : 1;
return new OIMO.OSphereGeometry( radius );
return null;
const meshes = [];
const meshMap = new WeakMap();
function addMesh( mesh, mass = 0 ) {
const shape = getShape( mesh.geometry );
if ( shape !== null ) {
if ( mesh.isInstancedMesh ) {
handleInstancedMesh( mesh, mass, shape );
} else if ( mesh.isMesh ) {
handleMesh( mesh, mass, shape );
function handleMesh( mesh, mass, shape ) {
const shapeConfig = new OIMO.ShapeConfig();
shapeConfig.geometry = shape;
const bodyConfig = new OIMO.RigidBodyConfig();
bodyConfig.type = mass === 0 ? OIMO.RigidBodyType.STATIC : OIMO.RigidBodyType.DYNAMIC;
bodyConfig.position = new OIMO.Vec3( mesh.position.x, mesh.position.y, mesh.position.z );
const body = new OIMO.RigidBody( bodyConfig );
body.addShape( new OIMO.Shape( shapeConfig ) );
world.addRigidBody( body );
if ( mass > 0 ) {
meshes.push( mesh );
meshMap.set( mesh, body );
function handleInstancedMesh( mesh, mass, shape ) {
const array = mesh.instanceMatrix.array;
const bodies = [];
for ( let i = 0; i < mesh.count; i ++ ) {
const index = i * 16;
const shapeConfig = new OIMO.ShapeConfig();
shapeConfig.geometry = shape;
const bodyConfig = new OIMO.RigidBodyConfig();
bodyConfig.type = mass === 0 ? OIMO.RigidBodyType.STATIC : OIMO.RigidBodyType.DYNAMIC;
bodyConfig.position = new OIMO.Vec3( array[ index + 12 ], array[ index + 13 ], array[ index + 14 ] );
const body = new OIMO.RigidBody( bodyConfig );
body.addShape( new OIMO.Shape( shapeConfig ) );
world.addRigidBody( body );
bodies.push( body );
if ( mass > 0 ) {
meshes.push( mesh );
meshMap.set( mesh, bodies );
} //
function setMeshPosition( mesh, position, index = 0 ) {
if ( mesh.isInstancedMesh ) {
const bodies = meshMap.get( mesh );
const body = bodies[ index ];
body.setPosition( new OIMO.Vec3( position.x, position.y, position.z ) );
} else if ( mesh.isMesh ) {
const body = meshMap.get( mesh );
body.setPosition( new OIMO.Vec3( position.x, position.y, position.z ) );
} //
let lastTime = 0;
function step() {
const time =;
if ( lastTime > 0 ) {
// console.time( 'world.step' );
world.step( 1 / frameRate ); // console.timeEnd( 'world.step' );
lastTime = time; //
for ( let i = 0, l = meshes.length; i < l; i ++ ) {
const mesh = meshes[ i ];
if ( mesh.isInstancedMesh ) {
const array = mesh.instanceMatrix.array;
const bodies = meshMap.get( mesh );
for ( let j = 0; j < bodies.length; j ++ ) {
const body = bodies[ j ];
compose( body.getPosition(), body.getOrientation(), array, j * 16 );
mesh.instanceMatrix.needsUpdate = true;
} else if ( mesh.isMesh ) {
const body = meshMap.get( mesh );
mesh.position.copy( body.getPosition() );
mesh.quaternion.copy( body.getOrientation() );
} // animate
setInterval( step, 1000 / frameRate );
return {
addMesh: addMesh,
setMeshPosition: setMeshPosition // addCompoundMesh
function compose( position, quaternion, array, index ) {
const x = quaternion.x,
y = quaternion.y,
z = quaternion.z,
w = quaternion.w;
const x2 = x + x,
y2 = y + y,
z2 = z + z;
const xx = x * x2,
xy = x * y2,
xz = x * z2;
const yy = y * y2,
yz = y * z2,
zz = z * z2;
const wx = w * x2,
wy = w * y2,
wz = w * z2;
array[ index + 0 ] = 1 - ( yy + zz );
array[ index + 1 ] = xy + wz;
array[ index + 2 ] = xz - wy;
array[ index + 3 ] = 0;
array[ index + 4 ] = xy - wz;
array[ index + 5 ] = 1 - ( xx + zz );
array[ index + 6 ] = yz + wx;
array[ index + 7 ] = 0;
array[ index + 8 ] = xz + wy;
array[ index + 9 ] = yz - wx;
array[ index + 10 ] = 1 - ( xx + yy );
array[ index + 11 ] = 0;
array[ index + 12 ] = position.x;
array[ index + 13 ] = position.y;
array[ index + 14 ] = position.z;
array[ index + 15 ] = 1;
THREE.OimoPhysics = OimoPhysics;
} )();