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504 lines
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504 lines
12 KiB
2 years ago
import * as fflate from '../libs/fflate.module.js';
class USDZExporter {
async parse( scene ) {
const files = {};
const modelFileName = 'model.usda';
// model file should be first in USDZ archive so we init it here
files[ modelFileName ] = null;
let output = buildHeader();
const materials = {};
const textures = {};
scene.traverseVisible( ( object ) => {
if ( object.isMesh && object.material.isMeshStandardMaterial ) {
const geometry = object.geometry;
const material = object.material;
const geometryFileName = 'geometries/Geometry_' + + '.usd';
if ( ! ( geometryFileName in files ) ) {
const meshObject = buildMeshObject( geometry );
files[ geometryFileName ] = buildUSDFileAsString( meshObject );
if ( ! ( material.uuid in materials ) ) {
materials[ material.uuid ] = material;
output += buildXform( object, geometry, material );
} );
output += buildMaterials( materials, textures );
files[ modelFileName ] = fflate.strToU8( output );
output = null;
for ( const id in textures ) {
const texture = textures[ id ];
const color = id.split( '_' )[ 1 ];
const isRGBA = texture.format === 1023;
const canvas = imageToCanvas( texture.image, color );
const blob = await new Promise( resolve => canvas.toBlob( resolve, isRGBA ? 'image/png' : 'image/jpeg', 1 ) );
files[ `textures/Texture_${ id }.${ isRGBA ? 'png' : 'jpg' }` ] = new Uint8Array( await blob.arrayBuffer() );
// 64 byte alignment
let offset = 0;
for ( const filename in files ) {
const file = files[ filename ];
const headerSize = 34 + filename.length;
offset += headerSize;
const offsetMod64 = offset & 63;
if ( offsetMod64 !== 4 ) {
const padLength = 64 - offsetMod64;
const padding = new Uint8Array( padLength );
files[ filename ] = [ file, { extra: { 12345: padding } } ];
offset = file.length;
return fflate.zipSync( files, { level: 0 } );
function imageToCanvas( image, color ) {
if ( ( typeof HTMLImageElement !== 'undefined' && image instanceof HTMLImageElement ) ||
( typeof HTMLCanvasElement !== 'undefined' && image instanceof HTMLCanvasElement ) ||
( typeof OffscreenCanvas !== 'undefined' && image instanceof OffscreenCanvas ) ||
( typeof ImageBitmap !== 'undefined' && image instanceof ImageBitmap ) ) {
const scale = 1024 / Math.max( image.width, image.height );
const canvas = document.createElement( 'canvas' );
canvas.width = image.width * Math.min( 1, scale );
canvas.height = image.height * Math.min( 1, scale );
const context = canvas.getContext( '2d' );
context.drawImage( image, 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height );
if ( color !== undefined ) {
const hex = parseInt( color, 16 );
const r = ( hex >> 16 & 255 ) / 255;
const g = ( hex >> 8 & 255 ) / 255;
const b = ( hex & 255 ) / 255;
const imagedata = context.getImageData( 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height );
const data =;
for ( let i = 0; i < data.length; i += 4 ) {
data[ i + 0 ] = data[ i + 0 ] * r;
data[ i + 1 ] = data[ i + 1 ] * g;
data[ i + 2 ] = data[ i + 2 ] * b;
context.putImageData( imagedata, 0, 0 );
return canvas;
const PRECISION = 7;
function buildHeader() {
return `#usda 1.0
customLayerData = {
string creator = "Three.js USDZExporter"
metersPerUnit = 1
upAxis = "Y"
function buildUSDFileAsString( dataToInsert ) {
let output = buildHeader();
output += dataToInsert;
return fflate.strToU8( output );
// Xform
function buildXform( object, geometry, material ) {
const name = 'Object_' +;
const transform = buildMatrix( object.matrixWorld );
if ( object.matrixWorld.determinant() < 0 ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.USDZExporter: USDZ does not support negative scales', object );
return `def Xform "${ name }" (
prepend references = @./geometries/Geometry_${ }.usd@</Geometry>
matrix4d xformOp:transform = ${ transform }
uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:transform"]
rel material:binding = </Materials/Material_${ }>
function buildMatrix( matrix ) {
const array = matrix.elements;
return `( ${ buildMatrixRow( array, 0 ) }, ${ buildMatrixRow( array, 4 ) }, ${ buildMatrixRow( array, 8 ) }, ${ buildMatrixRow( array, 12 ) } )`;
function buildMatrixRow( array, offset ) {
return `(${ array[ offset + 0 ] }, ${ array[ offset + 1 ] }, ${ array[ offset + 2 ] }, ${ array[ offset + 3 ] })`;
// Mesh
function buildMeshObject( geometry ) {
const mesh = buildMesh( geometry );
return `
def "Geometry"
function buildMesh( geometry ) {
const name = 'Geometry';
const attributes = geometry.attributes;
const count = attributes.position.count;
return `
def Mesh "${ name }"
int[] faceVertexCounts = [${ buildMeshVertexCount( geometry ) }]
int[] faceVertexIndices = [${ buildMeshVertexIndices( geometry ) }]
normal3f[] normals = [${ buildVector3Array( attributes.normal, count )}] (
interpolation = "vertex"
point3f[] points = [${ buildVector3Array( attributes.position, count )}]
float2[] primvars:st = [${ buildVector2Array( attributes.uv, count )}] (
interpolation = "vertex"
uniform token subdivisionScheme = "none"
function buildMeshVertexCount( geometry ) {
const count = geometry.index !== null ? geometry.index.array.length : geometry.attributes.position.count;
return Array( count / 3 ).fill( 3 ).join( ', ' );
function buildMeshVertexIndices( geometry ) {
if ( geometry.index !== null ) {
return geometry.index.array.join( ', ' );
const array = [];
const length = geometry.attributes.position.count;
for ( let i = 0; i < length; i ++ ) {
array.push( i );
return array.join( ', ' );
function buildVector3Array( attribute, count ) {
if ( attribute === undefined ) {
console.warn( 'USDZExporter: Normals missing.' );
return Array( count ).fill( '(0, 0, 0)' ).join( ', ' );
const array = [];
const data = attribute.array;
for ( let i = 0; i < data.length; i += 3 ) {
array.push( `(${ data[ i + 0 ].toPrecision( PRECISION ) }, ${ data[ i + 1 ].toPrecision( PRECISION ) }, ${ data[ i + 2 ].toPrecision( PRECISION ) })` );
return array.join( ', ' );
function buildVector2Array( attribute, count ) {
if ( attribute === undefined ) {
console.warn( 'USDZExporter: UVs missing.' );
return Array( count ).fill( '(0, 0)' ).join( ', ' );
const array = [];
const data = attribute.array;
for ( let i = 0; i < data.length; i += 2 ) {
array.push( `(${ data[ i + 0 ].toPrecision( PRECISION ) }, ${ 1 - data[ i + 1 ].toPrecision( PRECISION ) })` );
return array.join( ', ' );
// Materials
function buildMaterials( materials, textures ) {
const array = [];
for ( const uuid in materials ) {
const material = materials[ uuid ];
array.push( buildMaterial( material, textures ) );
return `def "Materials"
${ array.join( '' ) }
function buildMaterial( material, textures ) {
const pad = ' ';
const inputs = [];
const samplers = [];
function buildTexture( texture, mapType, color ) {
const id = + ( color ? '_' + color.getHexString() : '' );
const isRGBA = texture.format === 1023;
textures[ id ] = texture;
return `
def Shader "Transform2d_${ mapType }" (
sdrMetadata = {
string role = "math"
uniform token info:id = "UsdTransform2d"
float2 inputs:in.connect = </Materials/Material_${ }/uvReader_st.outputs:result>
float2 inputs:scale = ${ buildVector2( texture.repeat ) }
float2 inputs:translation = ${ buildVector2( texture.offset ) }
float2 outputs:result
def Shader "Texture_${ }_${ mapType }"
uniform token info:id = "UsdUVTexture"
asset inputs:file = @textures/Texture_${ id }.${ isRGBA ? 'png' : 'jpg' }@
float2 inputs:st.connect = </Materials/Material_${ }/Transform2d_${ mapType }.outputs:result>
token inputs:wrapS = "repeat"
token inputs:wrapT = "repeat"
float outputs:r
float outputs:g
float outputs:b
float3 outputs:rgb
if ( !== null ) {
inputs.push( `${ pad }color3f inputs:diffuseColor.connect = </Materials/Material_${ }/Texture_${ }_diffuse.outputs:rgb>` );
samplers.push( buildTexture(, 'diffuse', material.color ) );
} else {
inputs.push( `${ pad }color3f inputs:diffuseColor = ${ buildColor( material.color ) }` );
if ( material.emissiveMap !== null ) {
inputs.push( `${ pad }color3f inputs:emissiveColor.connect = </Materials/Material_${ }/Texture_${ }_emissive.outputs:rgb>` );
samplers.push( buildTexture( material.emissiveMap, 'emissive' ) );
} else if ( material.emissive.getHex() > 0 ) {
inputs.push( `${ pad }color3f inputs:emissiveColor = ${ buildColor( material.emissive ) }` );
if ( material.normalMap !== null ) {
inputs.push( `${ pad }normal3f inputs:normal.connect = </Materials/Material_${ }/Texture_${ }_normal.outputs:rgb>` );
samplers.push( buildTexture( material.normalMap, 'normal' ) );
if ( material.aoMap !== null ) {
inputs.push( `${ pad }float inputs:occlusion.connect = </Materials/Material_${ }/Texture_${ }_occlusion.outputs:r>` );
samplers.push( buildTexture( material.aoMap, 'occlusion' ) );
if ( material.roughnessMap !== null ) {
inputs.push( `${ pad }float inputs:roughness.connect = </Materials/Material_${ }/Texture_${ }_roughness.outputs:g>` );
samplers.push( buildTexture( material.roughnessMap, 'roughness' ) );
} else {
inputs.push( `${ pad }float inputs:roughness = ${ material.roughness }` );
if ( material.metalnessMap !== null ) {
inputs.push( `${ pad }float inputs:metallic.connect = </Materials/Material_${ }/Texture_${ }_metallic.outputs:b>` );
samplers.push( buildTexture( material.metalnessMap, 'metallic' ) );
} else {
inputs.push( `${ pad }float inputs:metallic = ${ material.metalness }` );
inputs.push( `${ pad }float inputs:opacity = ${ material.opacity }` );
if ( material.isMeshPhysicalMaterial ) {
inputs.push( `${ pad }float inputs:clearcoat = ${ material.clearcoat }` );
inputs.push( `${ pad }float inputs:clearcoatRoughness = ${ material.clearcoatRoughness }` );
inputs.push( `${ pad }float inputs:ior = ${ material.ior }` );
return `
def Material "Material_${ }"
def Shader "PreviewSurface"
uniform token info:id = "UsdPreviewSurface"
${ inputs.join( '\n' ) }
int inputs:useSpecularWorkflow = 0
token outputs:surface
token outputs:surface.connect = </Materials/Material_${ }/PreviewSurface.outputs:surface>
token inputs:frame:stPrimvarName = "st"
def Shader "uvReader_st"
uniform token info:id = "UsdPrimvarReader_float2"
token inputs:varname.connect = </Materials/Material_${ }.inputs:frame:stPrimvarName>
float2 inputs:fallback = (0.0, 0.0)
float2 outputs:result
${ samplers.join( '\n' ) }
function buildColor( color ) {
return `(${ color.r }, ${ color.g }, ${ color.b })`;
function buildVector2( vector ) {
return `(${ vector.x }, ${ vector.y })`;
export { USDZExporter };