You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

798 lines
29 KiB

ViewData["Title"] = "AdminWindos";
Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Admin.cshtml";
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<div class="lr-frame-top">
<a class="lr-logo-title">
<img src="~/LR_SystemModule/Img/Down?id=logo_windows">
<div class="lr-applist-btn off" id="lr_applist_btn">应用列表</div>
<div class="lr-applist-content" id="lr_applist_content">
<div class="lr-applist-slidebox-slider">
<ul class="lr-applist-slidebox-slider-content"></ul>
<div class="lr-applist-slidebox" id="lr_applist_slidebox"></div>
<div class="lr-windows-bottom-bar">
<div class="lr-windows-start" id="lr_windows_start" title="开始菜单"><i class="fa fa-windows"></i><span>开始菜单</span></div>
<div class="lr-im-bell" title="消息中心">
<span class="point"></span>
<i class="fa fa-bell"></i>
@*<div class="lr-lg-setting" id="lr_lg_setting">
<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-expanded="false">[<span></span>]</a>
<ul class="dropdown-menu"></ul>
var bootstrap = function ($, learun) {
"use strict";
// 菜单操作
var meuns = {
init: function () {
var $menuwarp = $('.lr-frame-menu');
$menuwarp.append('<div class="lr-second-menu-wrap" id="lr_second_menu_wrap"></div><div class="lr-frame-menu-overlay" id="lr_frame_menu_overlay"></div>');
load: function () {
var modulesTree = learun.clientdata.get(['modulesTree']);
// 第一级菜单
var parentId = '0';
var modules = modulesTree[parentId] || [];
var $firstmenus = $('<ul class="lr-first-menu-list"></ul>');
for (var i = 0, l = modules.length; i < l; i++) {
var item = modules[i];
if (item.F_IsMenu == 1) {
var $applistul = $('<ul></ul>');// 应用列表
if (item.F_Target != 'expand') {
var $firstMenuItem = $('<li></li>');
if (!!item.F_Description) {
$firstMenuItem.attr('title', item.F_Description);
var menuItemHtml = '<a id="' + item.F_ModuleId + '" href="javascript:void(0);" class="lr-menu-item">';
menuItemHtml += '<i class="' + item.F_Icon + ' lr-menu-item-icon"></i>';
menuItemHtml += '<span class="lr-menu-item-text">' + item.F_FullName + '</span>';
menuItemHtml += '<span class="lr-menu-item-arrow"></span></a>';
// 第二级菜单
var secondModules = modulesTree[item.F_ModuleId] || [];
var $secondMenus = $('<ul class="lr-second-menu-list"></ul>');
var secondMenuHad = false;
for (var j = 0, sl = secondModules.length; j < sl; j++) {
var secondItem = secondModules[j];
if (secondItem.F_IsMenu == 1) {
if (secondItem.F_Target != 'expand') {
secondMenuHad = true;
var $secondMenuItem = $('<li></li>');
if (!!secondItem.F_Description) {
$secondMenuItem.attr('title', secondItem.F_Description);
var secondItemHtml = '<a id="' + secondItem.F_ModuleId + '" href="javascript:void(0);" class="lr-menu-item" >';
secondItemHtml += '<i class="' + secondItem.F_Icon + ' lr-menu-item-icon"></i>';
secondItemHtml += '<span class="lr-menu-item-text">' + secondItem.F_FullName + '</span>';
secondItemHtml += '</a>';
// 第三级菜单
var threeModules = modulesTree[secondItem.F_ModuleId] || [];
var $threeMenus = $('<ul class="lr-three-menu-list"></ul>');
var threeMenuHad = false;
for (var m = 0, tl = threeModules.length; m < tl; m++) {
var threeItem = threeModules[m];
if (threeItem.F_IsMenu == 1) {
if (threeItem.F_Target != 'expand') {
threeMenuHad = true;
var $threeMenuItem = $('<li></li>');
$threeMenuItem.attr('title', threeItem.F_FullName);
var threeItemHtml = '<a id="' + threeItem.F_ModuleId + '" href="javascript:void(0);" class="lr-menu-item" >';
threeItemHtml += '<i class="' + threeItem.F_Icon + ' lr-menu-item-icon"></i>';
threeItemHtml += '<span class="lr-menu-item-text">' + threeItem.F_FullName + '</span>';
threeItemHtml += '</a>';
// 第四级菜单
var fourModules = modulesTree[threeItem.F_ModuleId] || [];
var $fourMenus = $('<ul class="lr-four-menu-list"></ul>');
var fourMenuHad = false;
for (var fi = 0, fl = fourModules.length; fi < fl; fi++) {
var fourItem = fourModules[fi];
if (fourItem.F_IsMenu == 1) {
if (fourItem.F_Target != 'expand') {
fourMenuHad = true;
var $fourMenuItem = $('<li></li>');
$fourMenuItem.attr('title', fourItem.F_FullName);
var fourItemHtml = '<a id="' + fourItem.F_ModuleId + '" href="javascript:void(0);" class="lr-menu-item" >';
fourItemHtml += '<i class="' + fourItem.F_Icon + ' lr-menu-item-icon"></i>';
fourItemHtml += '<span class="lr-menu-item-text">' + fourItem.F_FullName + '</span>';
fourItemHtml += '</a>';
if (fourMenuHad) {
$threeMenuItem.find('a').append('<span class="lr-menu-item-arrow"><i class="fa fa-angle-left"></i></span>');
if (threeMenuHad) {
$secondMenuItem.find('a').append('<span class="lr-menu-item-arrow"><i class="fa fa-angle-left"></i></span>');
if (secondMenuHad) {
$secondMenus.attr('data-value', item.F_ModuleId);
if ($applistul.find('li').length > 0) {
$(".lr-applist-slidebox-slider-content").append('<li><i class="fa fa-circle"></i></li>');
// 语言包翻译
$('.lr-menu-item-text').each(function () {
var $this = $(this);
var text = $this.text();
learun.language.get(text, function (_text) {
$this.parent().parent().attr('title', _text);
$('.icon-text').each(function () {
var $this = $(this);
var text = $this.text() || '';
learun.language.get(text.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ""), function (_text) {
bind: function () {
$('#lr_windows_start').on('click', meuns.startMenuClick);
$('#lr_frame_menu_overlay').on('click', meuns.startMenuClick);
// 添加点击事件
$('#lr_frame_menu a').on('click', function () {
var $obj = $(this);
var id = $obj.attr('id');
var _module = learun.clientdata.get(['modulesMap', id]);
switch (_module.F_Target) {
case 'iframe':// 窗口
setTimeout(function () {
if (learun.validator.isNotNull(_module.F_UrlAddress).code) {;
else {
}, 250);
case 'expand':
var $li = $obj.parent();
if (!$li.hasClass('active')) {
$('#lr_second_menu_wrap .lr-second-menu-list').hide();
$('#lr_second_menu_wrap .lr-second-menu-list[data-value="' + _module.F_ModuleId + '"]').show();
$('#lr_second_menu_wrap a').on('click', function () {
var $obj = $(this);
var id = $obj.attr('id');
var _module = learun.clientdata.get(['modulesMap', id]);
switch (_module.F_Target) {
case 'iframe':// 窗口
setTimeout(function () {
if (learun.validator.isNotNull(_module.F_UrlAddress).code) {;
else {
}, 250);
case 'expand':
var $ul = $;
if ($':visible')) {
$ul.slideUp(500, function () {
else {
if ($ul.hasClass('lr-three-menu-list')) {
$ul.parents('.lr-second-menu-list').find('.lr-three-menu-list').slideUp(300, function () {
else {
$ul.parents('.lr-three-menu-list').find('.lr-four-menu-list').slideUp(300, function () {
$ul.slideDown(300, function () {
$(".lr-applist-slidebox-slider-content li").click(function () {
var $this = $(this);
if (!$this.hasClass("active")) {
var $oldli = $(".lr-applist-slidebox-slider-content");
var oldindex = $oldli.index();
var index = $(this).index();
$("#lr_applist_slidebox ul").eq(oldindex).hide();
$("#lr_applist_slidebox ul").eq(index).fadeIn("slow");
$('#lr_applist_btn').on('click', function () {
$('#lr_applist_slidebox .appItem').on('click', function () {
var $obj = $(this);
var id = $obj.attr('data-id');
var _module = learun.clientdata.get(['modulesMap', id]);
if (learun.validator.isNotNull(_module.F_UrlAddress).code) {;
$(".lr-applist-slidebox-slider-content li").eq(0).trigger('click');
startMenuClick: function () {
var $lr_frame_menu = $('.lr-frame-menu');
if ($':visible')) {
else {
getAppItem: function (item) {
var colorindex = Math.round(Math.random() * 9 + 1);
var _html = '';
_html += '<li class="appItem" data-id="' + item.F_ModuleId + '" href="' + item.F_UrlAddress + '">';
_html += '<div class="icon" >';
_html += '<i class="fa ' + item.F_Icon + '"></i>';
_html += '</div>';
_html += '<div class="icon-text">';
_html += item.F_FullName;
_html += '</div>';
_html += '</li>';
return _html;
closeApplist: function () {
var appBtn = $('#lr_applist_btn');
if (!appBtn.hasClass('off')) {
openApplist: function () {
var appBtn = $('#lr_applist_btn');
if (appBtn.hasClass('off')) {
learun.frameTab.opencallback = function () {
learun.frameTab.closecallback = function () {
if (learun.frameTab.iframeId == '') {