"on st.app = pgs.app AND st.stream = pgs.stream "+
"1=1 "+
" <if test='query != null'> AND (st.app LIKE '%${query}%' OR st.stream LIKE '%${query}%' OR pgs.gbId LIKE '%${query}%' OR pgs.name LIKE '%${query}%')</if> "+
" <if test='pushing == true' > AND (pgs.gbId is null OR pgs.status=1)</if>"+
" <if test='pushing == false' > AND pgs.status=0</if>"+
" <if test='mediaServerId != null' > AND st.mediaServerId=#{mediaServerId} </if>"+
@Select("SELECT st.*, pgs.gbId, pgs.status, pgs.name, pgs.longitude, pgs.latitude FROM stream_push st LEFT JOIN gb_stream pgs on st.app = pgs.app AND st.stream = pgs.stream order by st.createStamp desc")
@Select("SELECT st.*, pgs.gbId, pgs.status, pgs.name, pgs.longitude, pgs.latitude FROM stream_push st LEFT JOIN gb_stream pgs on st.app = pgs.app AND st.stream = pgs.stream order by st.createStamp desc")