You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

40 lines
1.1 KiB

//Decoder request.
const kInitDecoderReq = 0;
const kUninitDecoderReq = 1;
const kOpenDecoderReq = 2;
const kCloseDecoderReq = 3;
const kFeedDataReq = 4;
const kStartDecodingReq = 5;
const kPauseDecodingReq = 6;
const kSeekToReq = 7;
//Decoder response.
const kInitDecoderRsp = 0;
const kUninitDecoderRsp = 1;
const kOpenDecoderRsp = 2;
const kCloseDecoderRsp = 3;
const kVideoFrame = 4;
const kAudioFrame = 5;
const kStartDecodingRsp = 6;
const kPauseDecodingRsp = 7;
const kDecodeFinishedEvt = 8;
const kRequestDataEvt = 9;
const kSeekToRsp = 10;
const kVideoParameters = 11;
//WebrtcPlayer states.
const playerStateIdle = 0;
const playerStatePlaying = 1;
const playerStatePausing = 2;
//Player request
const kInitPlayerReq = 0;
const kstartPlayerCoderReq = 1;
const ksendPlayerVideoFrameReq = 2;
const kplayeVideoFrame = 3;
const kendPlayerCoderReq = 4;
const kstartH265TransferReq = 0;
const kendH265TransferReq = 1;