var t =; function sleep(d){ while( - t <= d); } function getStreamWebrtc(player) { pc = new RTCPeerConnection({ iceServers: ICEServerkvm,//ICEServer }); // initH265Transfer(pc,player); initH265DC(pc,player); // Populate SDP field when finished gathering pc.oniceconnectionstatechange = e => log(pc.iceConnectionState) pc.onicecandidate = event => { if (event.candidate === null) { //pc.setLocalDescription(offer) var msgdata = new Object(); //var localSessionDescription =btoa(JSON.stringify(pc.localDescription)); msgdata["seqid"] = WEB_SEQID; if (bVideo) { msgdata["video"] = true; msgdata["mode"] = media_mode; if (media_mode == "rtsp") { let rtsp = document.getElementById("rtspId"); let rtspaddr = rtsp.value; if (rtspaddr == "") { rtspaddr = KVMRTSPADDR; rtsp.value = KVMRTSPADDR; } msgdata["rtspaddr"] = rtspaddr;//document.getElementById("rtspId").value //KVMRTSPADDR; } } if (bAudio) { msgdata["audio"] = true; } msgdata["serial"] = false;//true; msgdata["ssh"] = false;//true; msgdata["iceserver"] = ICEServerkvm; msgdata["offer"] = pc.localDescription;//localSessionDescription; msgdata["suuid"] = kvmstream; var content = new Object(); content["type"] = CMDMSG_OFFER; content["msg"] = "webrtc offer"; content["device_id"] = document.getElementById("deviceId").value; content["data"] = btoa(JSON.stringify(msgdata)); mqttclient.publish(pubtopic, JSON.stringify(content)); console.log("localDescription:", btoa(JSON.stringify(pc.localDescription))); } } pc.createOffer().then(d => pc.setLocalDescription(d)).catch(log) }; initMqtt = function(player) { if(bmqttStarted){ console.log("mqtt is connect"); return; } var ClientId = 'mqttjs_' + Math.random().toString(16).substr(2, 8) mqttclient = mqtt.connect(MqttServer, { clientId: ClientId, username: 'admin', password: 'password', // port: 8084 }); mqttclient.on('connect', function () { mqttclient.subscribe(subtopic, function (err) { if (!err) { //成功连接到服务器 console.log("connected to server"); bmqttStarted=true; getStreamWebrtc(player); } }) }) mqttclient.on('message', function (topic, message,) { // message is Buffer console.log("topic:",topic) console.log("message:",message) let input = JSON.parse(message) console.log("input:",input) switch (input.type) { case 'offer': getRemoteOffer(input); break; case "error": console.log("msg:",input.msg); // stopSession(); break; case "answer": var remoteSessionDescription =; if (remoteSessionDescription === '') { alert('Session Description must not be empty'); } try { let answerjsonstr=atob(remoteSessionDescription); console.log("atob1:",answerjsonstr); let answer = JSON.parse(answerjsonstr); console.log("answer:",answer); pc.setRemoteDescription(new RTCSessionDescription(answer)); // btnOpen(); } catch (e) { alert(e); } break; case "heart": console.log(JSON.parse(atob(; break; case "cmdFeedback": console.log(JSON.parse(atob(; break; } }) } function endMqtt() { if(!bmqttStarted) return; mqttclient.end() bmqttStarted=false; } function endWebrtc(){ stopH265(); // endH265Transfer(); pc.close(); } function sendCmdMsg(topic,cmdmsgtype,deviceid,msg,cmdmsg){ var content = new Object(); content["type"] = cmdmsgtype;//CMDMSG_OFFER; content["msg"] = msg;//"webrtc offer"; content["device_id"] =deviceid;//document.getElementById("serverId").value //$("#dropdown_menu_link").attr("value"); content["data"] = btoa(JSON.stringify(cmdmsg)); mqttclient.publish(topic, JSON.stringify(content)); console.log("mqttpublish:",topic, cmdmsg); }