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namespace EC.Onvif.RemoteDiscovery
public static class Constants
public static string WS_MULTICAST_ADDRESS { get; } = "";
public static int WS_MULTICAST_PORT { get; } = 3702;
public static string WS_PROBE_MESSAGE { get; } =
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"
+ "<e:Envelope xmlns:e=\"\""
+ "xmlns:w=\"\""
+ "xmlns:d=\"\""
+ "xmlns:tds=\"\""
+ "xmlns:dn=\"\">"
+ "<e:Header>"
+ "<w:MessageID>uuid:{0}</w:MessageID>"
+ "<w:To>urn:schemas-xmlsoap-org:ws:2005:04:discovery</w:To> "
+ "<w:Action></w:Action>"
+ "</e:Header>"
+ "<e:Body>"
+ "<d:Probe><d:Types>dn:NetworkVideoTransmitter</d:Types></d:Probe>"
+ "</e:Body>"
+ "</e:Envelope>";
public static string PATTERN { get; } = @"^((onvif[s]?|ftp):\/)?\/?([^:\/\s]+)((\/\w+)*\/)([\w\-\.]+[^#?\s]+)(.*)?(#[\w\-]+)?$";