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using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace EC.Util.Platform;
public static class LinuxUtil
#region const
private const string libX11 = "";
private const string libX11Randr = "";
private const string libX11Ext = "";
private const string libXInput = "";
private const string libXCursor = "";
private enum PropertyMode
Replace = 0,
Prepend = 1,
Append = 2
private enum MotifFlags
Functions = 1,
Decorations = 2,
InputMode = 4,
Status = 8
private enum MotifFunctions
All = 0x01,
Resize = 0x02,
Move = 0x04,
Minimize = 0x08,
Maximize = 0x10,
Close = 0x20
private enum MotifDecorations
All = 0x01,
Border = 0x02,
ResizeH = 0x04,
Title = 0x08,
Menu = 0x10,
Minimize = 0x20,
Maximize = 0x40,
private enum MotifInputMode
Modeless = 0,
ApplicationModal = 1,
SystemModal = 2,
FullApplicationModal = 3
#endregion const
#region struct
private struct MotifWmHints
public IntPtr flags;
public IntPtr functions;
public IntPtr decorations;
public IntPtr input_mode;
public IntPtr status;
public override string ToString()
return string.Format("MotifWmHints <flags={0}, functions={1}, decorations={2}, input_mode={3}, status={4}", (MotifFlags)flags.ToInt32(), (MotifFunctions)functions.ToInt32(), (MotifDecorations)decorations.ToInt32(), (MotifInputMode)input_mode.ToInt32(), status.ToInt32());
private struct XSizeHints
private IntPtr flags;
private int x;
private int y;
private int width;
private int height;
private int min_width;
private int min_height;
private int max_width;
private int max_height;
private int width_inc;
private int height_inc;
private int min_aspect_x;
private int min_aspect_y;
private int max_aspect_x;
private int max_aspect_y;
private int base_width;
private int base_height;
private int win_gravity;
private enum XSizeHintsFlags
USPosition = (1 << 0),
USSize = (1 << 1),
PPosition = (1 << 2),
PSize = (1 << 3),
PMinSize = (1 << 4),
PMaxSize = (1 << 5),
PResizeInc = (1 << 6),
PAspect = (1 << 7),
PAllHints = (PPosition | PSize | PMinSize | PMaxSize | PResizeInc | PAspect),
PBaseSize = (1 << 8),
PWinGravity = (1 << 9),
#endregion struct
#region lib
[DllImport(libX11, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
private static extern IntPtr XInternAtom(IntPtr display, string atom_name, bool only_if_exists);
private static extern int XChangeProperty(IntPtr display, IntPtr window, IntPtr property, IntPtr type,
int format, PropertyMode mode, ref MotifWmHints data, int nelements);
private static extern void XSetWMNormalHints(IntPtr display, IntPtr window, ref XSizeHints hints);
#endregion lib
#region cmd
public static void DisableMinMaximizeButton(IntPtr display, IntPtr handle, IntPtr atom)
MotifDecorations decorations = MotifDecorations.Title | MotifDecorations.Border;
MotifFunctions functions = MotifFunctions.Move | MotifFunctions.Close;
MotifWmHints hints = new()
flags = (nint)(MotifFlags.Decorations | MotifFlags.Functions),
decorations = (nint)decorations,
functions = (nint)functions,
input_mode = 0,
status = 0,
int result = XChangeProperty(display, handle, atom, atom, 32, PropertyMode.Replace, ref hints, 5);
#endregion cmd