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using EC.Onvif.Common;
using EC.Onvif.Device;
using EC.Onvif.Imaging;
using EC.Onvif.Media;
using EC.Onvif.PTZ;
using System;
using Capabilities = EC.Onvif.Common.Capabilities;
namespace EC.Onvif
public class OnvifClient
private string Hostname { get; set; }
private string Username { get; set; }
private string Password { get; set; }
private DeviceClient device { get; set; }
private MediaClient media { get; set; }
private PTZClient ptz { get; set; }
private ImagingClient imaging { get; set; }
private Capabilities caps { get; set; }
private string profileToken { get; set; }
public static float atomDist { get; set; } = 0.01f;
public static float atomSpeed { get; set; } = 0.1f;
public OnvifClient(string hostname, string username, string password)
Hostname = hostname;
Username = username;
Password = password;
public async void InitAsync()
device = await OnvifClientFactory.CreateDeviceClientAsync(Hostname, Username, Password);
catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine($"Exception Message : {e.Message}");
media = await OnvifClientFactory.CreateMediaClientAsync(Hostname, Username, Password);
ptz = await OnvifClientFactory.CreatePTZClientAsync(Hostname, Username, Password);
var profiles = await media.GetProfilesAsync();
foreach (var profile in profiles.Profiles)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(profileToken))
profileToken = profile.token;
caps = (await device.GetCapabilitiesAsync(new CapabilityCategory[] { CapabilityCategory.All })).Capabilities;
Console.WriteLine("\tDevice: " + caps.Device.XAddr);
Console.WriteLine("\tEvents: " + caps.Events.XAddr);
Console.WriteLine("\tImaging: " + caps.Imaging.XAddr);
Console.WriteLine("\tMedia: " + caps.Media.XAddr);
Console.WriteLine("\tPTZ: " + caps.PTZ.XAddr);
#region DeviceClient
public bool IsDeviceContected()
return device != null;
#endregion DeviceClient
#region MediaClient
public bool IsMediaContected()
var r = IsDeviceContected();
return r;
#endregion MediaClient
#region PTZClient
public bool IsPTZContected()
var r = IsDeviceContected() && (ptz != null) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(profileToken);
return r;
public void AbsoluteMoveAsync(float ptx, float pty, float zx)
if (!IsPTZContected())
ptz.AbsoluteMoveAsync(profileToken, new PTZVector
PanTilt = new Vector2D
x = ptx,
y = pty
Zoom = new Vector1D
x = zx
}, null);
//new PTZSpeed
// PanTilt = new Vector2D
// {
// x = 0.1f,
// y = 0.1f
// },
// Zoom = new Vector1D
// {
// x = 0.1f
// }
public void RelativeMoveAsync(float ptx, float pty, float zx)
if (!IsPTZContected())
ptz.RelativeMoveAsync(profileToken, new PTZVector
PanTilt = new Vector2D
x = ptx,
y = pty
Zoom = new Vector1D
x = zx
}, null);
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ptx">0~100</param>
/// <param name="pty">0~100</param>
/// <param name="zx">0~100</param>
public void ContinuousMoveAsync(float ptx, float pty, float zx)
if (!IsPTZContected())
ptz.ContinuousMoveAsync(profileToken, new PTZSpeed
PanTilt = new Vector2D
x = ptx,
y = pty
Zoom = new Vector1D
x = zx
}, null);
public void StopAsync()
if (!IsPTZContected())
ptz.StopAsync(profileToken, true, true);
public PTZStatus GetStatusAsync()
if (!IsPTZContected())
return null;
var ptz_status = ptz.GetStatusAsync(profileToken).Result;
return ptz_status;
#endregion PTZClient
#region ImagingClient
public bool IsImagingContected()
var r = IsDeviceContected();
return r;
#endregion ImagingClient