Camera Information System
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

65 lines
2.3 KiB

"DbConnection": {
"ConnectionConfigs": [
"ConfigId": "Cis",
"DbType": "MySql", // MySqlSqlServerSqliteOraclePostgreSQLDmKdbndpOscarMySqlConnectorAccess
"ConnectionString": "Data Source=;port=3306;User ID=root;Password=123456;Database=Cis;pooling=true;sslmode=none;CharSet=utf8;",
//"DbType": "Sqlite",
//"ConnectionString": "DataSource=./cis.db",
//"DbType": "PostgreSQL",
//"ConnectionString": "HOST=;PORT=5432;USER ID=pgsql;PASSWORD=123456;DATABASE=cis;",
"EnableInitDb": true //
"Redis": {
"ConnectionString": ",password=123456,defaultDatabase=2"
"AppSettings": {
"InjectSpecificationDocument": true // Swagger
"SpecificationDocumentSettings": {
"DocumentTitle": "Swagger", //
"DefaultGroupName": "Default" //
"DynamicApiControllerSettings": {
"DefaultRoutePrefix": "api", //
"KeepVerb": true, //
"KeepName": true, //
"LowercaseRoute": false, //
"AsLowerCamelCase": true, //
"UrlParameterization": true //
"Logging": {
"LogLevel": {
"Default": "Information",
"Microsoft.AspNetCore": "Warning"
"File": {
"Enabled": true, //
"FileName": "logs/{0:yyyyMMdd}_{1}.log", //
"Append": true, //
// "MinimumLevel": "Information", //
"FileSizeLimitBytes": 10485760, // 10M=10*1024*1024
"MaxRollingFiles": 30 // 30
"Monitor": {
"GlobalEnabled": true, //
"IncludeOfMethods": [], // GlobalEnabled=false
"ExcludeOfMethods": [], // GlobalEnabled=true
"BahLogLevel": "Information", // Oops.Oh Oops.Bah
"WithReturnValue": true, // true
"ReturnValueThreshold": 0 // 0
"SnowId": {
"WorkerId": 5 // 0~63,1
"CorsAccessorSettings": {
"WithExposedHeaders": [