Camera Information System
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using EC.Helper.Onvif.Common;
using EC.Helper.Onvif.Device;
using EC.Helper.Onvif.Imaging;
using EC.Helper.Onvif.Media;
using EC.Helper.Onvif.PTZ;
using System.Net;
using Capabilities = EC.Helper.Onvif.Common.Capabilities;
namespace EC.Helper.Onvif;
public class OnvifClient
#region Attr
public string Hostname { get; private set; }
public string Username { get; private set; }
public string Password { get; private set; }
#endregion Attr
#region Client Attr
protected DeviceClient Device { get; set; }
protected MediaClient Media { get; set; }
protected PTZClient PTZ { get; set; }
protected ImagingClient Imaging { get; set; }
protected Capabilities Caps { get; set; }
#endregion Client Attr
#region Cache Attr
protected string ProfileToken { get; set; }
protected string VideoSourceToken { get; set; }
protected string SteamUrl { get; set; }
protected string SnapshotUrl { get; set; }
#endregion Cache Attr
public OnvifClient(string hostname, string username, string password)
Hostname = hostname;
Username = username;
Password = password;
public async Task<bool> Init()
Device = await OnvifClientFactory.CreateDeviceClientAsync(Hostname, Username, Password);
Media = await OnvifClientFactory.CreateMediaClientAsync(Hostname, Username, Password);
PTZ = await OnvifClientFactory.CreatePTZClientAsync(Hostname, Username, Password);
Imaging = await OnvifClientFactory.CreateImagingClientAsync(Hostname, Username, Password);
var profiles = await Media.GetProfilesAsync();
var videoSources = await Media.GetVideoSourcesAsync();
foreach (var profile in profiles.Profiles)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ProfileToken))
ProfileToken = profile.token;
foreach (var source in videoSources.VideoSources)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(VideoSourceToken))
VideoSourceToken = source.token;
Caps = (await Device.GetCapabilitiesAsync(new CapabilityCategory[] { CapabilityCategory.All })).Capabilities;
catch (Exception)
return false;
return true;
#region DeviceClient
public bool IsDeviceContected()
return Device != null;
#endregion DeviceClient
#region MediaClient
public bool IsMediaContected()
bool ret = IsDeviceContected();
return ret;
protected StreamSetup RtspStreamSetup { get; } = new()
Stream = StreamType.RTPUnicast,
Transport = new() { Protocol = TransportProtocol.RTSP }
public async Task<string> GetStreamUrl()
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SteamUrl))
MediaUri mediaUri = await Media.GetStreamUriAsync(RtspStreamSetup, ProfileToken);
SteamUrl = mediaUri.Uri.Replace("://", $"://{Username}:{Password}@");
return SteamUrl;
public async Task<string> GetSnapshotUrl()
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SnapshotUrl))
MediaUri mediaUri = await Media.GetSnapshotUriAsync(ProfileToken);
SnapshotUrl = mediaUri.Uri.Replace("://", $"://{Username}:{Password}@");
return SnapshotUrl;
public async Task<string> GetSnapshot()
string url = await GetSnapshotUrl();
WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(url);
request.Method = "GET";
request.PreAuthenticate = true;
request.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(Username, Password);
using HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
using Stream stream = response.GetResponseStream();
using MemoryStream mStream = new();
byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
int byteCount;
byteCount = stream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
mStream.Write(buffer, 0, byteCount);
} while (byteCount > 0);
mStream.Position = 0;
return Convert.ToBase64String(mStream.ToArray());
#endregion MediaClient
#region PTZClient
public bool IsPTZContected()
bool ret = IsDeviceContected() && (PTZ != null) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ProfileToken);
return ret;
/// <summary>
/// 绝对移动
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pan"></param>
/// <param name="tilt"></param>
/// <param name="zoom"></param>
/// <param name="atomDist"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public async Task AbsoluteMove(float pan, float tilt, float zoom, float atomDist = 0.1f)
await PTZ.AbsoluteMoveAsync(ProfileToken, new PTZVector
PanTilt = new Vector2D { x = pan, y = tilt },
Zoom = new Vector1D { x = zoom }
}, new PTZSpeed
PanTilt = new Vector2D { x = atomDist, y = atomDist },
Zoom = new Vector1D { x = atomDist }
/// <summary>
/// 相对移动
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pan">[-1,1]</param>
/// <param name="tilt">[-1,1]</param>
/// <param name="zoom">[-1,1]</param>
/// <param name="atomSpeed">[0,1]</param>
public async Task RelativeMove(float pan, float tilt, float zoom, float atomSpeed = 0.1f)
await PTZ.RelativeMoveAsync(ProfileToken, new PTZVector
PanTilt = new Vector2D { x = pan, y = tilt },
Zoom = new Vector1D { x = zoom }
}, new PTZSpeed
PanTilt = new Vector2D { x = atomSpeed, y = atomSpeed },
Zoom = new Vector1D { x = atomSpeed }
/// <summary>
/// 持续移动
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pan">[-1,1]</param>
/// <param name="tilt">[-1,1]</param>
/// <param name="zoom">[-1,1]</param>
/// <param name="timeout">ms</param>
public async Task ContinuousMove(float pan, float tilt, float zoom, string timeout = "")
await PTZ.ContinuousMoveAsync(ProfileToken, new PTZSpeed
PanTilt = new Vector2D { x = pan, y = tilt },
Zoom = new Vector1D { x = zoom }
}, timeout);
public async Task StopMove()
await PTZ.StopAsync(ProfileToken, true, true);
public async Task<PTZStatus> GetStatus()
return await PTZ.GetStatusAsync(ProfileToken);
#endregion PTZClient
#region ImagingClient
public bool IsImagingContected()
bool ret = IsDeviceContected();
return ret;
public async Task FocusAbsoluteMove(float position)
await Imaging.MoveAsync(VideoSourceToken, new FocusMove
Absolute = new AbsoluteFocus
Position = position,
//Speed = 1f,
//SpeedSpecified = true
public async Task FocusRelativeMove(float distance)
await Imaging.MoveAsync(VideoSourceToken, new FocusMove
Relative = new RelativeFocus
Distance = distance,
//Speed = 1f,
//SpeedSpecified = true
public async Task FocusContinuousMove(float speed)
await Imaging.MoveAsync(VideoSourceToken, new FocusMove
Continuous = new ContinuousFocus { Speed = speed }
public async Task FocusStopMove()
await Imaging.StopAsync(VideoSourceToken);
#endregion ImagingClient