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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace EC.Utils.PLC
/// <summary>
/// 命令编码
/// </summary>
public partial class PLCCommandFunction
/// <summary>
/// 理桶 开仓口 PC->PLC
/// </summary>
public const string OpenStock = "A001";
/// <summary>
/// PC->PLC SendTask
/// </summary>
public const string SendTask = "A002";
/// <summary>
/// PLC->PC 取空筒完成
/// </summary>
public const string NullTubeToDoffer = "A002";
/// <summary>
/// 天车到达卷绕机 PLC->PC
/// </summary>
public const string DofferInServcie = "A003";
/// <summary>
/// 下丝指令 pc->TMT 推请求推
/// </summary>
public const string PusherRequest = "A004";
/// <summary>
/// PC->PLC 下丝完成
/// </summary>
public const string PusherComplete = "A005";
/// <summary>
/// PC->PLC上空筒
/// </summary>
public const string PaperTubeRequest = "A006";
/// <summary>
/// PLC->PC 上空筒完成 请求锁->TMT Chuck
/// </summary>
public const string PaperTubeComplete = "A007";
/// <summary>
/// TMT ChuckComplete->PC->PLC 答复 锁完成
/// </summary>
public const string ChuckComplete = "A008";
/// <summary>
/// 放置丝车指令 PLC->PC
/// </summary>
public const string DofferToCarComplete = "A009";