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using EC.AutoWeightServer.Model.Config;
using EC.AutoWeightServer.Model.EventArgsEx;
using EC.AutoWeightServer.Model.State;
using EC.Entity.Transport;
using EC.Service.Transport;
using EC.Utils;
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace EC.AutoWeightServer.UI.UC
public partial class UCCarIn2 : UserControl
private FrmMainServer _mainServer;
private readonly AuthService _authService = new AuthService();
private readonly IniService _iniService = new IniService();
private readonly MonthPlanService _monthPlanService = new MonthPlanService();
private readonly TransportBillService _billService = new TransportBillService();
private readonly DriverService _driverService = new DriverService();
private readonly TruckService _truckService = new TruckService();
private readonly PhotoService _photoService = new PhotoService();
public UCCarIn2()
txtBillWeight.GotFocus += TxtBillWeight_Enter; //获取焦点前发生事件
//txtBillWeight.LostFocus += TxtBillWeight_Leave; //失去焦点后发生事件
#region Init & Close
internal void InitForm(FrmMainServer server)
_mainServer = server;
internal void CloseForm()
_mainServer = null;
#endregion Init & Close
#region Get & Set
internal string GetPlate()
return txtPlate.Text.Trim();
internal string GetInWeight()
return txtInWeight.Text;
internal void SetInWeight(decimal? inWeight)
if (inWeight != null)
txtInWeight.Text = CommonUtil.WeightDecToStr((decimal)inWeight, 3, '0');
txtInWeight.Text = "";
//txtInWeight.Text = CommonUtil.WeightDecToStr(inWeight);
#endregion Get & Set
#region 界面操作响应事件
/// <summary>
/// 入场开始
/// </summary>
/// <param name="plateArgs"></param>
internal void InStartBill(PlateEventArgs plateArgs)
var plate = plateArgs.Plate;
if (!_authService.CheckTruckAuth(plate))
var ex = new Exception();
ex.Data["msg"] = $"{plate},无运输权限!";
ex.Data["help"] = $"{plate},无运输权限!请联系管理人员!";
throw ex;
var tempBill = _billService.GetLastBillByLicensePlate(plate);
if (tempBill != null)//有记录,则继续判断;无记录,则继续(第一次入场)
if (tempBill.State == (int)BillState.InStart)//入场中断,则继续;其它,则退出
InitBillComponent(tempBill.SerialNumber, tempBill.LicensePlate, tempBill.MaterialNo);//初始化组件内容
//if (tempBill.State != (int)BillState.OutFinish)//非正常入场,则继续判断;正常入场,则继续
// var ex = new Exception();
// ex.Data["msg"] = $"{plate},非正常入场!";
// ex.Data["help"] = $"{plate},非正常入场!请联系管理人员!";
// throw ex;
var siteEntity =;
var truckEntity = _truckService.GetTruckByPlate(plate);
var planEntity = _monthPlanService.GetLastPlan(siteEntity.CompanyId, truckEntity.SupplierId);
if (planEntity == null)
var ex = new Exception();
ex.Data["msg"] = $"{plate},月计划获取失败!";
ex.Data["help"] = $"{plate},月计划获取失败!请重试或联系管理人员!";
throw ex;
var state = (int)BillState.InStart;
var serialNo = _iniService.GetNewBillSerialNo();
var photoEntity = _photoService.InsertPhoto(plateArgs.FileName, state);
var result = _billService.InsertBillInStart(serialNo, siteEntity, planEntity, truckEntity, photoEntity, state);
if (result <= 0)
var ex = new Exception();
ex.Data["msg"] = $"{plate},运单添加失败!";
ex.Data["help"] = $"{plate},运单添加失败!请重试或联系管理人员!";
throw ex;
InitBillComponent(serialNo, truckEntity.LicensePlate, planEntity.MaterialNo);//初始化组件内容
/// <summary>
/// 初始化组件内容
/// </summary>
/// <param name="serialNo"></param>
/// <param name="plate"></param>
/// <param name="materialNo"></param>
private void InitBillComponent(string serialNo, string plate, string materialNo)
txtSerialNo.Text = serialNo;
txtPlate.Text = plate;
txtMaterialNo.Text = materialNo;
/// <summary>
/// 入场结束
/// </summary>
private void InFinishBill(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsWeightConfirm())
var plate = txtPlate.Text;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtBillWeight.Text))
var ex = new Exception();
ex.Data["msg"] = $"{plate},未输入运单重量!";
ex.Data["help"] = $"{plate},未输入运单重量,请输入运单重量!";
_mainServer.ShowOperateException(ex, false, true, true);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtInWeight.Text))
var ex = new Exception();
ex.Data["msg"] = $"{plate},未完成自动计重!";
ex.Data["help"] = $"{plate},未完成自动计重,请等待自动计重!";
_mainServer.ShowOperateException(ex, false, true, true);
var state = (int)BillState.InFinish;
var serialNumber = txtSerialNo.Text;
var billWeight = CommonUtil.StrToDec(txtBillWeight.Text);
var inWeight = CommonUtil.StrToDec(txtInWeight.Text);
var photoEntity = _photoService.InsertPhoto(_mainServer.GetInPicture2(txtPlate.Text), state);
var result = _billService.UpdateBillInFinish(serialNumber, billWeight, inWeight, photoEntity, state);//更新入场结束记录
if (result <= 0)
var ex = new Exception();
ex.Data["msg"] = $"{plate},运单更新失败!";
ex.Data["help"] = $"{plate},运单更新失败!请重试或联系管理人员!";
_mainServer.ShowOperateException(ex, false, true, true);
btnInConfirm.Enabled = false;
/// <summary>
/// 清空组件内容
/// </summary>
internal void ClearBillComponent()
var empty = string.Empty;
txtSerialNo.Text = empty;
txtPlate.Text = empty;
txtMaterialNo.Text = empty;
txtBillWeight.Text = empty;
txtInWeight.Text = empty;
btnInConfirm.Enabled = true;
TxtBillWeight_Leave(null, null);
/// <summary>
/// 指纹对比
/// </summary>
/// <param name="plate"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public DriverEntity CheckFingerPrint(string plate)
var verFp = _mainServer.GetVerFingerPrint();
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(verFp))
return null;
var authList = _authService.SelectEntityListByWhere($"TruckPlate = '{plate}'");
foreach (var auth in authList)
var driver = _driverService.SelectEntityByWhere($"Id='{auth.DriverId}'");
if (driver == null)
if (_mainServer.MatchFingerPrint(verFp, driver.Finger1))
return driver;
if (_mainServer.MatchFingerPrint(verFp, driver.Finger2))
return driver;
return null;
#endregion 界面操作响应事件
#region 数字键盘输入事件
/// <summary>
/// 进入输入框,打开数值输入面板
/// </summary>
private void TxtBillWeight_Enter(object sender, EventArgs e)
/// <summary>
/// 离开输入框,关闭数值输入面板
/// </summary>
private void TxtBillWeight_Leave(object sender, EventArgs e)
/// <summary>
/// 数值输入面板下的数字输入按钮响应事件
/// </summary>
private void Btn_Number_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Button btn = (Button)sender;
string txt = txtBillWeight.Text.Trim();
txtBillWeight.Text = txt + btn.Text;
txtBillWeight.SelectionStart = txtBillWeight.Text.Length;
/// <summary>
/// 数值输入面板下的逗号输入按钮响应事件
/// </summary>
private void Btn_dh_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
var txt = txtBillWeight.Text.Trim();
if (txt.IndexOf(".", StringComparison.Ordinal) >= 0)
txtBillWeight.Text = txt + @".";
/// <summary>
/// 数值输入面板下的退格按钮响应事件
/// </summary>
private void Btn_tg_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string txt = txtBillWeight.Text.Trim();
if (txt.Length <= 0)
txtBillWeight.Text = txt.Substring(0, txt.Length - 1);
private void btnResetWeight_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
#endregion 数字键盘输入事件
#region TimeOutCheck
private System.Timers.Timer _timeoutCheckTimer;
private int timeout;
private bool timeoutCheckFlag;
private void StartTimeoutCheck()
timeout = ServerConfig.InTimeOut;
LabelTimeout.Text = $@"{timeout}秒后超时";
var timeoutInterval = 1000;
_timeoutCheckTimer = new System.Timers.Timer(timeoutInterval);
_timeoutCheckTimer.Elapsed += (sender1, e1) =>
MethodInvoker method = TimeoutCheck;
if (InvokeRequired)
_timeoutCheckTimer.Enabled = true;
private void EndTimeoutCheck()
if (_timeoutCheckTimer == null)
_timeoutCheckTimer.Enabled = false;
_timeoutCheckTimer = null;
private void TimeoutCheck()
if (!timeoutCheckFlag) return;
timeout -= 1;
LabelTimeout.Text = $@"{timeout}秒后超时";
if (timeout > 0) return;
var msg = $"{txtPlate.Text},运单超时!";
var help = $"{txtPlate.Text},运单超时,已自动完成重置!可通过手动识别重新载入运单!";
_mainServer.SetResetState(msg, help);
private void SetTimeoutCheckFlag(bool flag)
timeoutCheckFlag = flag;
#endregion TimeOutCheck
#region 临时
private bool IsWeightConfirm()
return Equals(_mainServer.GetLabelWeight(), txtInWeight.Text);
internal void SafeTempBill()
var serialNo = txtSerialNo.Text;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(serialNo))
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtInWeight.Text))
var billEntity = _billService.GetBillBySerialNumber(serialNo);
var inWeight = CommonUtil.StrToDec(txtInWeight.Text);
var msg = $"{txtPlate.Text},检测到未确认入场!";
var help = $"{txtPlate.Text},检测到未确认入场,已临时保存并记录!";
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtInWeight.Text))
billEntity.InWeight = inWeight;
billEntity.Remark += $"{DateTime.Now}:检测到未确认入场(重量 - {inWeight}t)!\n";
help += $"已取得稳定重量({inWeight}t)";
billEntity.InWeight = 0;
billEntity.Remark += $"{DateTime.Now}:检测到未确认入场(重量 - {inWeight}t)!\n";
help += "未取得稳定重量";
billEntity.InFinishTime = DateTime.Now;
billEntity.State = (int)BillState.InFinish;
_mainServer.SetResetState(msg, help);
internal bool IsJustInFinish(string plate)
var bill = _billService.GetLastBillByLicensePlate(plate);
if (bill == null)
return false;
if (bill.State != (int)BillState.InFinish)
return false;
var span = DateTime.Now - bill.InFinishTime;
return span.TotalSeconds <= ServerConfig.BillInterval;
#endregion 临时