23 changed files with 648 additions and 2895 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ |
// 随机数
export function guid() { |
return 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function (c) { |
var r = (Math.random() * 16) | 0, |
v = c == 'x' ? r : (r & 0x3) | 0x8; |
return v.toString(16); |
}); |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ |
export default class HandleNodeType { |
#sn; |
#sensorCallback; |
#modelCallback; |
#markerPositionCallback; |
#polylineCallBack; |
#default; |
constructor(sn) { |
this.#sn = sn; |
} |
sensor(callback) { |
this.#sensorCallback = callback; |
return this; |
} |
// 模型回调
modelCallback(callback) { |
this.#modelCallback = callback; |
return this; |
} |
// 微波雷达回调
markerPosition(callback) { |
this.#markerPositionCallback = callback; |
return this; |
} |
// 区域回调
polylineCallBack(callback) { |
this.#polylineCallBack = callback; |
return this; |
} |
default(callback) { |
this.#default = callback; |
return this; |
} |
run() { |
// 判断节点的类型
if (!this.#sn.czmObject) { |
return null; |
} |
// 模型类型
let tempCondition = this.#sn.czmObject.xbsjType; |
switch (tempCondition) { |
case 'Model': |
this.#modelCallback ? this.#modelCallback() : this.#default(); |
break; |
case 'Pin': |
this.#markerPositionCallback ? this.#markerPositionCallback() : this.#default(); |
break; |
case 'Polyline': |
this.#polylineCallBack ? this.#polylineCallBack() : this.#default(); |
break; |
default: |
this.#default ? this.#default() : null; |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,437 @@ |
import _ from 'lodash'; |
import { useUserStore } from '/@/store/modules/user'; |
import { defHttp } from '/@/utils/http/axios'; |
import $mitt from '@/utils/earthMap/mitt'; |
import { useMessage } from "/@/hooks/web/useMessage"; |
import earthUtils from '@/utils/earthMap/earth'; |
import alarmImg from '@/assets/earthMap/alarm.gif'; |
const { createMessage } = useMessage(); |
let userStore = useUserStore(); |
let websock: any = []; |
function initWebSocket(configName) { |
if ('WebSocket' in window) { |
let url = ''; |
switch (configName) { |
case 'domianURL': //接收后台模型数据
// WebSocket与普通的请求所用协议有所不同,ws等同于http,wss等同于https
// const userStore = useUserStore()
// const orgCode = userStore.userInfo?.orgCode;
// let userId = store.getters.userInfo.id;
let userId = userStore.userInfo?.id; |
url = window._CONFIG[configName].replace('https://', 'wss://').replace('http://', 'ws://') + '/websocket/' + userId; |
// url = 'ws://'
websock[configName] = new WebSocket(url); |
websock[configName].onopen = websocketonopen; |
websock[configName].onerror = websocketonerror; |
websock[configName].onmessage = websocketonmessage; |
websock[configName].onclose = websocketclose; |
break; |
case 'clientURL': //调用客户端监控视频窗口
url = window._CONFIG['clientURL']; |
websock[configName] = new WebSocket(url); |
websock[configName].onopen = websocketonopen; |
websock[configName].onerror = websocketonerror; |
websock[configName].onclose = websocketclose; |
break; |
default: |
console.log('websocket初始化失败'); |
} |
// console.log('url', url)
} else { |
console.log('当前浏览器不支持websocket,请更换浏览器!'); |
} |
} |
function websocketonopen(e) { |
console.log('WebSocket连接成功'); |
} |
function websocketonerror(e) { |
console.log('WebSocket连接发生错误'); |
} |
const loreadAlarmInfo = _.debounce( |
(url, eventSerialNum) => { |
defHttp |
.get( |
{ |
url: url, |
params: eventSerialNum, |
}, |
{ isTransformResponse: false } |
) |
// getAction(url, {eventSerialNum: eventSerialNum})
.then((res) => { |
if (!res.success) { |
console.log('重新发送websocket报警数据失败!'); |
} else { |
console.log('重新发送websocket报警数据成功!'); |
} |
}); |
}, |
2000, |
{ maxWait: 3000, trailing: true } |
); |
async function websocketonmessage(e) { |
var data = eval('(' + e.data + ')'); |
const cesium = window.Cesium; |
// Cesium Math
const math = cesium.Math; |
// earth
const earth = window.$earth; |
if (data.cmd == 'new_warn_info') { |
// chrome.call("formactive");
if ($('.infoList').css('visibility') == 'visible') { |
$mitt.emit('getWarnData'); |
} |
if (data.msgTxt != undefined && data.dealStatus == 1) { |
$mitt.emit('listenerVideoNum', data.msgTxt); |
window.$earth.sceneTree.$refs[data.labelCode].czmObject.color = [1, 0.09803921568627451, 0, 1]; |
} else if (data.msgTxt != undefined && data.dealStatus == 3) { |
this.$notification.open({ |
key: 'fenceInfo', |
message: '围栏信息通知', |
description: data.msgTxt + '!', |
duration: 0, |
}); |
} else if (data.dealStatus == 2) { |
window.$earth.sceneTree.$refs[data.labelCode].czmObject.color = [0.08235294117647059, 1, 0, 1]; |
} else if (data.dealStatus == 0) { |
window.$earth.sceneTree.$refs.sensor.children.forEach((data, index) => { |
data.czmObject.color = [0.08235294117647059, 1, 0, 1]; |
}); |
} |
if (data.dealStatus !== 2 && data.dealStatus !== 0) { |
await this.$refs.audio.play(); |
setTimeout(() => { |
this.$refs.audio.pause(); //N秒后暂停播放
}, data.alarmNum * 1000); |
} |
} else if (data.cmd == 'new_microwave_warn_info' || data.cmd == 'new_radar_warn_info' || data.cmd == 'new_video_warn_info') { |
if (this.alarmInfoMap.has(data.serialNum)) { |
return; |
} |
const evalString = ` |
if(p._div){ |
return |
} |
let left=p.winPos[0]; |
let bottom=p.winPos[3]; |
const div = document.createElement('div'); |
div.style="position: absolute;left:"+left+"px;bottom:"+bottom+"px " |
const img = document.createElement('img'); |
img.src="${alarmImg}"; |
img.style="width:60px;height:60px" |
div.appendChild(img); |
div.onclick=()=>{ |
p.flyTo() |
} |
p._div = div; |
const root=document.getElementById('earthContainer'); |
root.appendChild(div); |
XE.MVVM.watch(p.winPos,() => { |
left=p.winPos[0]-30; |
bottom=p.winPos[3]; |
div.style="position: absolute;left:"+left+"px;bottom:"+bottom+"px " |
}) |
const pinConfig: any = { |
name: 'Pin1', |
xbsjType: 'Pin', |
position: [math.toRadians(data.lon), math.toRadians(data.lat), 0], |
evalString: evalString, |
// imageUrl: alarmImg,
isDivImage: true, |
show: false, |
far: 3000, |
}; |
// scanline
const scanlineConfig: any = { |
name: 'AlarmScanline', |
xbsjType: 'Scanline', |
position: [math.toRadians(data.lon), math.toRadians(data.lat), 0], |
playing: true, |
radius: 30, |
timeDuration: 0.5, |
color: [1, 0, 0, 1], |
show: false, |
}; |
const pin = new window.XE.Obj.Pin(window.$earth); |
const scanline = new window.XE.Obj.Scanline(window.$earth); |
let start = cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(data.lon, data.lat, 0); |
let height = await window.$earth.czm.viewer.scene.clampToHeightMostDetailed([start]).then(function (clampedCartesians) { |
let ellipsoid = window.$earth.czm.viewer.scene.globe.ellipsoid; |
let cartographic = ellipsoid.cartesianToCartographic(clampedCartesians[0]); |
return cartographic.height; |
}); |
if (height > 0) { |
pinConfig.position[2] = height; |
} else if (window.$earth.sceneTree.$refs.terrain.czmObject.show) { |
height = await cesium.sampleTerrainMostDetailed(earth._viewer.terrainProvider, [start]).then((updatedPositions) => { |
return updatedPositions[0].height ? updatedPositions[0].height : 0; |
}); |
pinConfig.position[2] = height; |
} else { |
pinConfig.position[2] = 0; |
} |
// 保存报警类型到对象上
let customProp: any = {}; |
customProp.alarmType = data.cmd; |
pinConfig.customProp = JSON.stringify(customProp); |
scanlineConfig.customProp = JSON.stringify(customProp); |
pin.xbsjFromJSON(pinConfig); |
scanline.xbsjFromJSON(scanlineConfig); |
// 判断现在相机的高度来显示报警相关模型
if (this._earth.camera.position[2] < 100) { |
// 隐藏 pin, 显示 scanline
pin._div.hidden = true; |
scanline.show = true; |
} else { |
// 隐藏 scanline, 显示 pin
pin._div.hidden = false; |
scanline.show = false; |
} |
scanline.flyTo(); |
this.alarmInfoMap.set(data.serialNum, { pin: pin, scanline: scanline, timestamp: Date.now() }); |
this.videoWindowProps.title = `实时报警窗口(${data.cameraName})`; |
this.videoWindowProps.videoUrl = data.cameraCode; //相机编码
this.videoWindowProps.isAlarm = true; |
this.videoWindowProps.visible = true; |
this.videoWindowProps.playRecord = false; |
this.videoWindowProps.warnEvent.happenTime = data.happenTime; |
this.videoWindowProps.warnEvent.happenLoc = `${Number(data.lon).toFixed(6)},${Number(data.lat).toFixed(6)}`; |
this.videoWindowProps.warnEvent.warnNum = 1; |
this.videoWindowProps.warnEvent.warnLevel = filterDictTextByCache('ms_warn_level', data.warnLevel); |
this.videoWindowProps.warnEvent.warnType = filterDictTextByCache('ms_warn_type', data.warnType); |
this.videoWindowProps.warnEvent.warnContent = data.warnContent; |
if ($('.infoList').css('visibility') == 'visible') { |
$mitt.emit('getWarnData'); |
} |
await this.$refs.audio.play(); |
setTimeout(() => { |
this.$refs.audio.pause(); //N秒后暂停播放
}, 3 * 1000); |
} else if (data.cmd == 'earthMap_model_realtime_info') { |
console.log(data); |
console.log(this.radarAlarmDataMap); |
// 雷达轨迹报警数据
const alarmContent = data.content; |
if (this.radarAlarmDataMap.has(data.eventSerialNum)) { |
// 存在雷达报警数据
let radarAlarmData = this.radarAlarmDataMap.get(data.eventSerialNum); |
let targetMap = radarAlarmData.target; |
if (targetMap.has(data.modelId)) { |
// 存在目标数据
let targetData = targetMap.get(data.modelId); |
let pathModel = targetData.path; |
let groundImageModel = targetData.groundImage; |
// 更新报警数据
let positionRadian = earthUtils.degreeToRadianInLngLatHeight(alarmContent.lon, alarmContent.lat, 0); |
// 更新路径
pathModel.positions.push(positionRadian); |
groundImageModel.position = positionRadian; |
if (pathModel.positions.length > 1) { |
pathModel.show = true; |
groundImageModel.show = true; |
} |
} else { |
// 不存在目标数据
// 创建目标数据
let positionRadian = earthUtils.degreeToRadianInLngLatHeight(alarmContent.lon, alarmContent.lat, 0); |
// 路径
let pathModel = new window.XE.Obj.Path(window.$earth); |
let pathConfig = { |
name: 'path', |
xbsjType: 'Path', |
positions: [positionRadian], |
loop: false, |
playing: true, |
width: 2, |
color: [1, 0, 0, 1], |
show: false, |
showDirection: false, |
currentSpeed: 30, |
alwaysAlongThePath: true, |
material: { |
type: 'Color', |
color: [1, 0, 0, 1], |
}, |
}; |
pathModel.xbsjFromJSON(pathConfig); |
// 地面图片
let groundImageModel = new window.XE.Obj.GroundImage(window.$earth); |
let imageUrls: any = []; |
if (data.mainTarget) { |
imageUrls.push(window._CONFIG['staticDomainURL'] + '/keyi_point1.png'); |
imageUrls.push(window._CONFIG['staticDomainURL'] + '/keyi_point2.png'); |
} else { |
imageUrls.push(window._CONFIG['staticDomainURL'] + '/keyi_point3.png'); |
imageUrls.push(window._CONFIG['staticDomainURL'] + '/keyi_point4.png'); |
} |
let groundImageConfig = { |
name: 'groundImage', |
xbsjType: 'GroundImage', |
position: positionRadian, |
width: 3, |
height: 3, |
playing: true, |
imageUrls: imageUrls, |
show: false, |
}; |
groundImageModel.xbsjFromJSON(groundImageConfig); |
// 保存目标数据
let targetData = { |
path: pathModel, |
groundImage: groundImageModel, |
}; |
targetMap.set(data.modelId, targetData); |
} |
// 更新时间
const updateTime = Date.now(); |
radarAlarmData.timestamp = updateTime; |
// 更新 pin 的时间
let alarm = this.alarmInfoMap.get(data.eventSerialNum); |
if (alarm) { |
alarm.timestamp = updateTime; |
} |
} else { |
// 不存在报警数据
// 路径
let pathModel = new window.XE.Obj.Path(window.$earth); |
let pathConfig = { |
name: 'path', |
xbsjType: 'Path', |
positions: [earthUtils.degreeToRadianInLngLatHeight(alarmContent.lon, alarmContent.lat, 0)], |
loop: false, |
playing: true, |
width: 2, |
color: [1, 0, 0, 1], |
show: false, |
showDirection: false, |
currentSpeed: 30, |
alwaysAlongThePath: true, |
material: { |
type: 'Color', |
color: [1, 0, 0, 1], |
}, |
}; |
// 地面图片
let groundImage = new window.XE.Obj.GroundImage(window.$earth); |
let imageUrls: any = []; |
if (data.mainTarget) { |
imageUrls.push(window._CONFIG['staticDomainURL'] + '/keyi_point1.png'); |
imageUrls.push(window._CONFIG['staticDomainURL'] + '/keyi_point2.png'); |
} else { |
imageUrls.push(window._CONFIG['staticDomainURL'] + '/keyi_point3.png'); |
imageUrls.push(window._CONFIG['staticDomainURL'] + '/keyi_point4.png'); |
} |
let groundImageConfig = { |
name: 'groundImage', |
xbsjType: 'GroundImage', |
playing: true, |
width: 3, |
height: 3, |
position: earthUtils.degreeToRadianInLngLatHeight(alarmContent.lon, alarmContent.lat, 0), |
imageUrls: imageUrls, |
show: false, |
}; |
// 创建路径
groundImage.xbsjFromJSON(groundImageConfig); |
// 创建地面图片
pathModel.xbsjFromJSON(pathConfig); |
// 保存数据到map中
let target = { |
path: pathModel, |
groundImage: groundImage, |
mainTarget: alarmContent.mainTarget, |
}; |
let targetMap = new Map(); |
targetMap.set(data.modelId, target); |
this.radarAlarmDataMap.set(data.eventSerialNum, { |
target: targetMap, |
timestamp: Date.now(), |
}); |
if (!this.alarmInfoMap.has(data.eventSerialNum)) { |
// 不存在告警信息(小灯或扫描线)时发送
// 事件编号到后台使其重新发送websocket报警数据
await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, 500)); |
if (!this.alarmInfoMap.has(data.eventSerialNum)) { |
console.log('发送websocket报警数据'); |
this.loreadAlarmInfo(this.url.sendRadarAlarmByWebSocket, data.eventSerialNum); |
} |
} |
} |
if (this.videoWindowProps.visible) { |
this.videoWindowProps.warnEvent.warnNum = this.radarAlarmDataMap.get(data.eventSerialNum).target.size; |
} |
// console.debug('雷达轨迹报警数据', this.radarAlarmDataMap);
} else if (data.cmd == '') { |
earth.sceneTree.$refs[data.eventSerialNum].destroy(); |
} else if (data.cmd == 'eventPublish') { |
window.getEventData(); |
} |
} |
function websocketclose(e) { |
console.log('connection closed (' + e.code + ')'); |
createMessage.warn('websocket连接已断开', 3); |
} |
function websocketdosend(configName) { |
this.spinning = !this.spinning; //加载状态
console.log('this.websock[configName]', websock[configName]); |
let message = { |
topic: 'Show_Single_Video', |
msg: '', |
}; |
if (websock[configName].readyState == 1) { |
websock[configName].send(JSON.stringify(message)); |
that.spinning = !that.spinning; //加载状态
console.log('已发送'); |
} else { |
initWebSocket('clientURL'); |
setTimeout(function () { |
if (websock[configName].readyState == 1) { |
websock[configName].send(JSON.stringify(message)); |
} |
that.spinning = !that.spinning; //加载状态
}, 3000); |
} |
} |
export { |
initWebSocket, |
websocketonopen, |
websocketonerror, |
loreadAlarmInfo, |
websocketclose, |
websocketonmessage, |
websocketdosend, |
websock, |
} |
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Reference in new issue