数字孪生Web 后台dt( digital twin)2.0版本 统一命名格式
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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export type ErrorMessageMode = 'none' | 'modal' | 'message' | undefined;
export type SuccessMessageMode = 'none' | 'success' | 'error' | undefined;
export interface RequestOptions {
// 将请求参数拼接到url
joinParamsToUrl?: boolean;
// 格式化请求参数时间
formatDate?: boolean;
// 是否处理请求结果
isTransformResponse?: boolean;
// 是否返回本地响应头,需要获取响应头时使用此属性
isReturnNativeResponse?: boolean;
// Whether to join url
joinPrefix?: boolean;
// 接口地址,如果保留为空,则使用默认值
apiUrl?: string;
// 请求拼接路径
urlPrefix?: string;
// 错误消息提示类型
errorMessageMode?: ErrorMessageMode;
// 成功消息提示类型
successMessageMode?: SuccessMessageMode;
// 是否添加时间戳
joinTime?: boolean;
ignoreCancelToken?: boolean;
withToken?: boolean;
export interface Result<T = any> {
code: number;
type: 'success' | 'error' | 'warning';
message: string;
result: T;
export interface UploadFileParams {
// 其他参数
data?: Recordable;
// 文件参数接口字段名
name?: string;
// 文件
file: File | Blob;
// 文件名
filename?: string;
[key: string]: any;
export interface UploadFileCallBack {
// 成功回调方法
success?: any;
// 是否返回响应头,需要获取响应头时使用此属性
isReturnResponse?: boolean;